Trouble With HQ

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"I have to go but thanks for walking me to the dinner," I said as we walked up to the front of my house.We hadn't said much about the incident on the way home. I was still a little shook up over the new villian. All i knew was that he knew me and knew I was friends with me. Wait. What? I was pulled out of my thoughts by finding myself sufficating in a persons chest. When i finally pulled i saw Mark stairing down at me. He had a relief flush face looking down at me.

"I thought you were DEAD!" he cried. Reuben stepped in at those words.

"I can take care of both of us," his face read highly offended. he gave me a quick hug and walled away.

"Gee thanks for making my second friend mad," i said walking into the house. 

"Sorry but when HQ called and said you hadn't..." he tried.

"Oh, shoot! What did they want?" i asked turning my clock hand for my uniform.

"They found some more information on Emerald Eyes and his older brother, Hipno Eyes, is back in town. You better fly down there and see if you can catch Andrew before he gets really mad. Oh , I almost forgot. He found something about a villian at your school," he said grabbing a drink from our cooler. i had a bad feeling as i flew out the roof.


By the time I made it to Andrew he was fuming by the fact I hadn't answered. Eventually I got it through his thick head that I had been with another human. Thats when I got a full on lexure. After about an hour Mark and Bay showed up in their costumes. Mark was a western getup with a mask and Bay was his Indian friend. Seeing as Bay really was. I was impressed with their speed seeing as they had takken MY horse. 

"Now to get down to buisness. Today we descovered and underground conspiracy rising. The attacked on the dinner today was a plan to draw Matt into the open so the new villian could meet her," Andrew said.

"Rotted,"I put in.

"We also found he's a student at your school, and he's gathering all the villians in the city to over throw it," finished Andrew.

"And you know this how?" asked Bay.

"I told him," said a voice as it stepped from the shadows...

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