I'm So Sorry

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I sat in the room what seamed like forever and a day. the last call I'd gotten from Andrew was an hour ago and I couldn't wait much longer. The pounding of footsteps along the metal floor out side cleared my head. The door swing open and an angry Reuben( picture above) stormed in. He had his mask on and full Rotted suite.

"Why hasn't she come to the rescue?!"

"Who are you waiting for?" I asked.

"The Night Rider! She was to come and save you, and yet she appears to not care about you."

I care very much what happens to me!

"What?" Rotted turns to me confused.

"Uh...nothing. Why don't you save me?"

"I can't. I've always been a villain."

"What makes you a villain?"

He shuddered. At first I feared he would lash out at me. Then he replied,"Fear. I can bring your worst nightmare to life just my touching your fore head. It all started when I was abducted from my house in Pennsylvania. For months the aliens did experiments on me and a large number of other kids. One day a metro struck the building we were in. We made it to the escape pods and u was placed in a pod with twelve other kids. One passed out, having been claustrophobic. I placed my had on her forehead and suddenly the pod began to fill with water. One of the others was able to contact a pod that had already landed. A young girl pried open our wall to let us out. I'll never forget how her eyes glowed. And the necklace she wore seamed to be made of the sun."

I was struggling to process it all. He had been in the labs with me. He had been in the escape pods. I had saved him! He had powers!

"Oh my." all I could manage was a simple 'oh my'. And to think I'd just called hell down upon him. Andrew was to bring a team of agents to get me out.

Bang! Boom! The steal door clatters to the floor. There stood Mark and Bay. The Gunslinger and Buffalo Boy. I wanted to scream that it was only Reuben. I wanted to tell Reu who I was. But I couldn't speak. My throat had run dry and my mouth was shut tight.

Reuben threw on his Rotted mask and turned to face them. He seamed to mold into some new evil. His kind and sunny disposition disappeared and I would never look at him the same again.

"Be gone! This isn't your fight. I intend to battle Night Rider." His voice was deeper and horrid.

"Yes, well we didn't really want to get out but there are more threatening villains than you for her to handle today." Emerald Eyes replied as he burst through the window.

"I doubt that. I will rule the world!"

"Says you. You yellow bellied half wit no brain barn owl!" Shouted mark. With such anger I'd never seen in him before.

"Come and get her" Rotted shouted. He released a sound freezing the boys in their tracks. He untied me and started to pick me up but I hit him square in the nose. "Ooowww!"

"I took ten years in military defense training." I said. I swung my leg knocking him out at the knees. I proceeded to struggle with him on the floor until Bay unfroze.

"Now deal with me!" Bay pulled me back and say me next to Mark as he began to unfreeze.

"No! I surrender!" On the concrete slab lay a beat boy. His hopes and plans stolen from him. Hi was bruised and scratched everywhere and mask had fallen off, revealing the trail of tears racing down his face. I had broken my best friend.

"Reu..." I whispered leaning on Mark. The came slow at first but with in a few seconds I had a wet face as well.

"Mat... I'm so sorry."

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