Chapter 06.10

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Chapter 6 Extreme Cold and Blizzard (5) Heating Materials

    "Extremely cold and snowstorm? How much snow and how cold is it?" Wang Bantong grinned, and it really was a child.

    I still believe that, the coldest winter here on their side is only minus 5°C, how could it be possible to have a blizzard. "Girl doll, you must have been cheated. Forget it, since you have already come to the door, I will sell you one."

    Wang Bantong finished teasing the child, got up and took her to the room to get the stove.

    "Master, I really didn't lie to you." Ye Yi knew that no one would believe what he said, but he always thought that if one more person knew, if he made preparations earlier, there might be more people who survived.

    She didn't dare to go to the official here to say it. After all, she had no evidence to prove her words, and she couldn't say that she was not from this world. Having said that, the biggest possibility is that she was arrested and sliced ​​for research.     Wang Bantong carried a stove as big as a bucket and put it next to the little girl, and persuaded him earnestly, "Little girl, don't believe those strange remarks. By the way, this stove is very heavy, how can you take it away?     " Speech, even a man like him can't be fooled, how can a young girl be fooled.     "Master, I also want to order the honeycomb briquettes in the yard, do you want to sell it?" Ye Yi knew that the uncle in front of him didn't believe it, so he didn't continue to say anything.     After a while, he will know that she is really not lying!     "This one, 1 yuan each." Wang Bantong said casually.     "So expensive? What about this stove?" Ye Yi didn't expect that a briquette would be so expensive, but he had no choice but to buy it if he didn't want to freeze to death.     "If you want honeycomb briquettes, the stove will be cheaper for you, 50." Wang Bantong looked at the little girl, she didn't seem like a very rich person, so he lowered the price, anyway, for him, it was just more money than money. .     Not bad for such a little money.     As soon as Ye heard it, he calculated in his mind: he still had 320 yuan left in his hand, and 270 yuan left after buying the stove, which could probably buy 100 briquettes. With the rest of the money, she had to buy a self-defense knife and buy some meat and fish.

    He lowered his head and thought for a while, afraid that the old man would think it was too little, and asked in a low voice: "Master, I want 100 briquettes, is that okay?"

    "100, why do you buy so much for a female doll?" Wang Bantong was startled. I bought the dolls to play with, but I didn't expect to buy so many.

    "Didn't I just say that the extreme cold and snowstorm is coming, I want to buy heating." Ye Yi told the truth to the uncle again, although the uncle may regard her as someone with a mental problem.

    Wang Bantong didn't know whether to laugh or cry, the little girl was really stupid, she said that someone lied to her, yet she still believed that there would be extremely cold and blizzard weather.

    Following her train of thought, Suo Xin rethought something for her, "To keep warm, you might as well buy a brazier instead of a stove."

    "Brazier? What does it look like? Is it warmer than a stove?" Ye Yi asked curiously. It's too long since she was a child, and she doesn't quite remember the memory of keeping warm when she was a child.

    "Of course it's warm. The middle of the stove is smaller than the brazier, so you can only put briquettes in it. The brazier is bigger, and you can burn coal or wood. Put a shelf on it, and you can cook water and rice." Wang Bantong recommended, the most important thing is Cheap.     "Then, do you have a brazier in your house?" Ye Yi looked at the stove under his feet, the hole in the middle was a bit small, and a small stove might not be warm enough for such a big place.     "Yes."     "I want one, how much is it?"     "25 for one." Wang Bantong turned and went back to the room, and took out a stainless steel brazier that was bigger than a normal washbasin, about 60 centimeters high, with a A grilling grid.     Ye Yi looked at the real thing and thought it was very good, so he nodded in satisfaction. This brazier is so big, the wooden planks collected are definitely enough to put it in.     "Then you don't need the stove!" Seeing that the little girl was satisfied with the brazier, Wang Bantong prepared to take the stove away, so that the little girl would suffer less loss.     "Yes, I want both, sir, settle the score!" Ye Yi hurriedly stopped the uncle, fearing that the uncle would suddenly stop selling.

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