Chapter 66.70

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Chapter 66 Rocky Desert Island (11) Purpose?

    Su Ling looked at the woman lying on the ground covered in mud and her hands and feet were tied up. Thinking of her fear of being tied up just now, Su Ling hesitated and said, "Sister, why don't we give them the mushrooms!

    " So sure, if you gave them the mushrooms, they would let her go?" Ye Yi looked at the motionless woman lying on the ground, always feeling that something was wrong.

    The thin man on the opposite side saw a little girl softened, and quickly patted himself on the chest to reassure him: "We are trustworthy men, we keep what we say. If you throw mushrooms over, we will let her go immediately."

    But he couldn't help it in his heart . Tucao: The little girl is so easy to deceive. The last time she played the role of a bad guy, she just said a word, and the person opposite threw the food over. This time, she even persisted for a while, but it seems that she can’t hold on. How long has it been? After a few words, I can pack up and go back.     Ye Yi still didn't say anything, just frowned and stared at the three people across from him for a while, finally found the crux of the problem, he immediately turned around and pulled the hesitant Su Ling away quickly.     The three of them are basically a group, what to save, if you have that spare time, you should worry about themselves!     Su Ling followed Ye Yi for a few steps, turned her head and looked behind her in a hurry, and saw the woman lying on the ground with no injuries, she suddenly seemed to understand something? Su Ling immediately turned her head and followed Ye Yi to run forward, and kept running while using the magnification ability on the stone behind her to prevent them from catching up.     The thin man stood in place and looked at the ever-growing stones and dead trees below, and asked wonderingly, "Why did the person run away? Did I show any weakness?"     "Who knows, do I want to chase?"     Shi Mengjia saw everyone running away I struggled on the ground angrily, and shouted to the fat man: "Fatty, don't hurry up and let me out, everyone is running away, why are you pretending?" The     fat man quickly retracted the vine, looked Xiang Shi Jiameng, who got up from the ground, asked blankly: "Then will they pass or not?"

    "Idiot, of course I passed." Shi Jiameng was afraid of the dirty clothes on her body, and she really stained her clothes for nothing. Seeing the dirt on her hair, she couldn't help but yelled One sound.

    He kicked at the fat man angrily: "Look at you messing with your clothes and hair, can't you be more careful?"

    After finishing speaking, he took his clothes and went down the mountain to find the two people who had escaped. She managed to find two who barely passed the test, and they ran away before taking them back.

    Ye Yi took Su Ling and quickly fled down the mountain, and looked at other caves on the way. They were all wet from the rain and uninhabitable, so they had to go back to their cave at the foot of the mountain.

    After the two hid in, Ye Yi directly opened the manufacturing page, and made a layer of iron spikes and three layers of thick iron walls to seal the hole.

    Su Ling looked at the cracks in the iron gun, and asked worriedly, "Sister, can this stop them?"

    "You'll know if you try it." Ye Yi replied panting, running all the way back, her body is not cold anymore , but the heart was scared to death. It was really fortunate that they didn't catch up.

    Ye Yi turned around and looked at the dark cave, took out wood and lit it, looked at the bright cave and took a few steps forward, and put the wood on the previous bonfire. Sitting by the bonfire, he took a short breath, his eyes still refused to relax and stared outside tightly, for fear that the group of people would come over.

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