Chapter 51.55

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Chapter 51 Desert Ruins (15) Vegetable House

    Xie Yi raised his eyes to look at Ye Yi, and said calmly: "Sandstorm."

    "It's not over yet?" Ye Yi said in surprise, walked to the door and quietly opened a gap, only to see the sky is dark yellow, the sky full of dust in the air The air was blowing back and forth, and I was so scared that I immediately closed the door, fearing that the wind and sand would come in a second later.

    This sandstorm has been going on all night, and it is still blowing non-stop. The sandstorm she encountered last time ended soon, and this time it has existed for too long.

    The sandstorm hasn't passed yet, so it looks like we won't be able to go out today. Ye Yi sat in the room bored, and after a while, he couldn't stay idle anymore. He took out the planting boxes from his backpack, put them outside for a breath of fresh air, watered them again, and loosened the soil.

    Xie Yi got up and pushed away the room next to him. Fine sand was floating in the air. He turned his head and squinted his eyes to look at the window that made the sound. He could only vaguely see that the old window was violently hitting the wall under the action of the sandstorm. Covering his mouth and nose with his hands, he quickly walked to the window, and used the ability to turn the window with only the frame into a thin layer of iron, which can effectively block the wind and sand outside.

    But the wind and sand outside were too strong, and the iron sheet began to shake after not holding on for a while.

    Immediately turned his head and shouted into the room: "Ye Xi, come here quickly."

    Ye Yi, who was fiddling with vegetable leaves, heard Xie Yi's anxious cry, and subconsciously ran over, seeing Xie Yi standing by the window, Curiously asked: "What's the matter?"

    Xie Yi stared closely at the iron sheet that was about to deform in front of him, and said quickly: "Can you still make windows? This window will be blown away by the sandstorm. Can you think about it?" Is there a way to seal it?"     "Let me see." Ye clicked on the production page, found the iron window and looked at it, but the materials in his hand were not enough to make it. There are not many other metals, not enough to make a window.     Opened the wooden window and looked at it. The wood was still enough. He looked up at Xie Yi and asked, "Will wood work?"     "As long as it can be sealed."

    Ye Yi approached the window, clicked on the wooden window on the manufacturing page, adjusted the size of the three-dimensional wooden window that appeared, placed it inside the window sill and clicked on making, a wooden window instantly appeared tightly attached to the iron sheet just now.

    Hearing the noise, Lu Min walked to the door, was choked by the wind that hadn't fallen yet, and coughed non-stop. Ye Yi ran to her side and patted her on the back until she stopped coughing.

    Lu Min swallowed the saliva she coughed up, looked at Xie Yi who was standing by the window and asked curiously: "What are you doing?"

    "Clean up this room and see what can be done?" Xie Yi looked at the empty space I just want to tidy up my room, but haven't figured out what to do yet?

    "Isn't there still unused soil before, how about we grow some vegetables?" Ye Yi thought for a while and said, it just so happens that their team has the plant-type ability of Li Ye, so they can store some vegetables in their backpacks. There is no need to panic when the food is in the palm of your hand.

    "Do you need help?" When Lu Min heard that she was going to grow vegetables in the house, she immediately became excited. She had only grown vegetables in the game, and she had never grown vegetables by herself in reality!     "Of course we need it." After Ye Yi finished speaking, he took out all the soil from the backpack and put it in the middle of the room. Then he made two wooden shovels and handed them to Xie Yi and Lu Min, and made one himself, and shoveled the yellow sand that fell in the room to the middle of the room, forming a passage.     Xie Yi and Lu Min helped out together, rested all night, everyone was full of energy, Lu Min looked around, "Is Li Ye still sleeping?"     Ye Yi saw that they didn't wake up anyone with such a loud noise, so he could only guess Said: "It should be that planting green fruits consumed too much yesterday, and he is still resting, so we don't want to disturb him.     After finishing speaking, shovel the piled soil to both sides of the passage, and spread it in parallel on the remaining yellow sand On the top, the three of them covered the soil in a short while.     Standing in the passage in the middle, Ye Yi dug out all the seeds from his backpack and threw them on the sand, squatting down to search for suitable seeds.

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