Chapter 26.30

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Chapter 26 Survival at Sea (8) Desire to Hoard

    Lin Yiyan and Lin An rowed the boat over, opened the box and showed Ye a look at the confiscated materials. The first two boxes were filled with black stones, the third box contained various fish, and the fourth box contained fresh water. , The fifth box contained some unknown eggs, and finally Lin Yiyan lifted a small jar and opened it to find some fine soil.

    Looking at Lin Yiyan's deck full of supplies, how many people did those people rob to get so many supplies?

    According to Ye Yiqi, the three of them, Lin Yiyan and Lin An picked a little from each box as agreed before, and moved all the remaining supplies to Ye Yi's boat.

    Ye Yi saw that they moved the supplies upwards one by one, and stood at the door of the cabin from a distance to stare at them, while avoiding the scorching sun, her skin was sore from the sun.

    It wasn't until they lifted all the materials up that they held the iron/gun tightly and stood opposite them to check the materials. With the other hand, they picked up the black stone in the first box, and couldn't help asking: "What is this?"

    "Huoshi, don't you know him?" Lin An lowered his head and wiped off his sweat. After speaking, he looked up curiously at the iron/gun in Ye Yi's hand.

    "We don't have this there, why do we use it?" Ye Yi began to fool Dafa, trying to get more information while people were around, otherwise the supplies were accepted, but they didn't know how to use them. Isn't it for nothing!

    "It can be burned and used as fuel." Lin Yiyan said indifferently, there is no need to chase more, he just needs to know that there is a reward to get it.

    Ye Yi was puzzled when he heard the words, since they could be used as fuel, why didn't the group of people ignite these stones before throwing them? So bad combat experience?

    If they hit her with fire, even if they couldn't hit anyone, the boat would be destroyed, and there would be no need to kowtow and turn in the supplies.

    Shaking his head in disbelief, he continued to check.

    More than half of the black stones remained in the second box. After a general inspection of the other boxes, there were no problems. The size and shape of each box were exactly the same, and they should be from the same craft.

    Unexpectedly, with so many supplies, it turned out to be cheaper for her in the end.

    Ye Yi's desire to hoard goods suddenly came up, and he couldn't help asking: "What do you usually use for trading? Currency or?

    " , can be exchanged with fresh water and food. On the day when summer heat ends every month, at the junction of the sea, there will be people exchanging supplies there. If you are interested, we can take you there, but..." Lin An rushed Lin Yiyan explained in front of him that Lin Yiyan couldn't give all the opportunities to show off in front of beauties, but at least let him show off too.

    Ye Yi understood, they were in the era of bartering things, and she could guess what he was going to say before he finished speaking: "I have to pay you!"

    Since Lin Yiyan saved her, After taking the fresh water away. She has a general understanding of the people on this map, and they have to be paid for everything they do. If there is nothing, no one will help.

    This is also very good!

    Lin An scratched his head, smiled, and said nothing.

    "When will Xia Zhi end?"

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