Chapter 81.85

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Chapter 81 City Ruins (9) The New Outsider

    Ye Yi turned around and opened the door, and at a glance, he saw an extremely spacious space, which was twice as large as the space above. There was a soft wooden bed in the middle, a cabinet on the wall that was as high as the room, a table and chairs in the corner, and ten canisters on the table.

    Clean white walls, tidy furniture, although there is still no quilt, but the environment is much better than above, Ye Yi couldn't help sighing at the evil classism here.

    Ye closed the door again, turned around and began to wander here. After walking for a long time, she didn't see a passage leading to the top, and she couldn't find the place where Zhou Yu brought her down just now. The whole space is like a maze. The surrounding environment is basically the same.     Ye Yi, who had searched for a long time but couldn't find the passage, turned his head and looked at the man who had been following her since she came out. No matter how fast or slow she walked, he always kept a distance of more than three meters from her.     She couldn't help snorting, but she didn't come up to stop her anyway, so she took it as exercise and began to run slowly in the passage.     Ye Yi didn't run for a while when he saw someone in front of him, slowly slowed down his pace, carefully looked at the back of Li Twelve, the captain of their team, and couldn't help calling: "Captain?"     Her voice echoed throughout the passage. , Li Twelve turned his head in doubt when he heard the voice, saw Ye Yi behind him, and asked in a daze, "Have you dealt with your affairs?"     "It's already been done, what are you going to do?" Ye Yi walked to his side and asked curiously, she had walked here for so long without meeting anyone, and finally met someone she knew.     "Go to the vegetable shop and have a look." Official Twelve replied, glanced at the man in the distance and said to Ye Yi, "Do you want to go and have a look together?"     Ye Yi would be bored to death alone here, hearing This question asked: "Is it possible?"     Li Twelve nodded indifferently, turned around and continued to walk forward, Ye Yi quickly followed, and the two of them walked to the glass room they saw before.

    There are many pipes hanging from top to bottom in the whole glass room, green vegetables emerge from above the pipes, some have only a few leaves, some have grown a lot of leaves, almost all of them are edible.

    Clerk Twelve picked up a metal hollow basket from the corner, went to the ripe vegetables, pulled out two vegetables, put them in the basket, and handed them to Ye Yi. Ye Yi took the basket subconsciously, and followed behind him to watch him add water to some pipes that were short of water.

    Looking at everything here, Ye Yi couldn't help asking curiously: "Aren't many places outside covered with radiation? How come you still have so many seeds that can be planted?"     Even if some of them brought in, Nor will there be so many seeds. You must know that there are four vegetable houses of the same size, all of which are full of vegetables. No matter how many seeds there are, it is impossible to keep up with the population consumption of this base.     Moreover, hydroponics can only grow some simple plants, and some plants that need soil will definitely not be able to grow them.     "You must know that some people in the countryside still have cellars in their homes, and some of them are sealed in bags, or they were brought in by people like you." After filling up all the water, Li Twelve carefully checked each cellar. A pipe, after working for a while, took Ye Yi out of the vegetable house.     Ye Yi came out and looked at the vegetables he picked in his hand, he stretched out his hand to Li Twelve and said, "Hey, your vegetables."     Li Twelve glanced at it but didn't reach out to take it, and said: " This is the food that the base gives you every day. If you want to eat other food, you have to solve it by yourself. I will bring it to you every morning when I go to find you. Until you leave here, you can also use the electricity in the residence. Use it, don’t need to exchange it with materials.”     After finishing speaking, she turned around and took Ye Yiyi back to the door of her room, and said: “Before I go out in the afternoon, I will come to call you, don’t run around.”     Then opened the next room, went straight in.     Ye Yi watched him go to the next room, and was speechless about the base. There were people following her all the time, and there was even someone who lived next to her and looked at her.

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