Chapter 91.95

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Chapter 91 War (7) Life

    Seeing this, Ye Yi quickly picked up the bowl, ready to start a fight, and first extended his chopsticks to Kung Pao Chicken. In her eyes, she saw several other people waving their hands and chopsticks on the table like shadows. Soon, a third of the dishes went down. Seeing this, she couldn't help speeding up her hands.

    Xia Yue didn't eat for a while, and brought half of the remaining Kung Pao chicken and braised pork on the table to "Ye Xi" and herself, and said to "Ye Xi" who was stunned: "Eat!" , not enough for me to cook."

    "Xiao Xia, you are biased, I still want to eat it!" Sun Chengma made a pitiful voice, he didn't grab a few pieces of braised pork just now, and now he couldn't even eat it. He sent out pitiful star eyes at Xia Yue.     "If you want to eat, cook it yourself." Xia Yue directly ignored the star eyes launched by the other party, and she was not used to them at all. It is good to know that there is something to eat in the map, and besides, she is not their cook.     Ye Yi saw the two dishes close to her, and then looked at the remaining dishes on the table, and didn't care about Sun Cheng's wailing. With her speed, she definitely couldn't catch them. Xia Yue brought it directly, it was convenient for her, she would not be soft-hearted and say no, the right way is to eat it in her stomach.     He began to stretch out his chopsticks, chewing and savoring Xia Yue's handicrafts slowly, admiring Xia Yue's handicrafts while eating, and never stopped smiling at Xia Yue's praise, and finally Xia Yue just patted "Ye Xi" "What do you want to eat tonight, just tell me."     Ye Yi finished his last bite of rice, and continued to praise Xia Yue: "I like to eat what Xia Yue cooks, you are really amazing After     a meal, the boy was in charge of cleaning, and Ye Yi was dragged to the sofa by Xia Yue to chat. The two chatted for a while and found that both of them were from J City. I didn’t expect to meet fellow villagers in the map. , now the relationship is much closer.     In the afternoon, after eating and resting for a while, everyone still stayed in the room. Some were practicing their abilities, some were lying on the sofa playing games, some were reading books, and some were in a daze. Living in the survival map is like gathering with friends.

    Ye Yi looked at Xia Yue who was holding a thick book in her hand, and asked, "Have you always been like this?

    " Putting her eyes on the book, she knew what she was wondering, but the survival map doesn't have to make her life very hard all the time, people still need a certain combination of work and rest, so that the spirit will not collapse.

    Leaning on the sofa, Ye Yi continued to ask: "How many days have you been here?"

    "The eighth day!"

    "Stay here all the time?"

    Xia Yue turned to the next page, and replied while reading: "I just I have been avoiding the war outside for the first two days when I came in, and I found it here on the third day, and then I met several other people one after another in the next few days."

    "Did you call the others?"

    "Mostly, thank you Yi was brought back by He Sheng." Seeing that Ye Yi didn't seem to be very used to this kind of life, Xia Yue suggested: "If you are really bored, you can ask Xie Yi to take you out for a stroll, as long as you don't leave this villa area That's enough."

    After speaking, Xia Yue, the deity of Xianyu, lowered her head and continued to look at the book in her hand and stopped talking.

    Ye Yi suddenly felt embarrassed to disturb Xia Yue's reading, stood up from the sofa and looked around, and finally saw Xie Yi in the next room. He was sitting in front of the table, and in the room, the metal that controlled the ground changed differently. parts and don't know what kind of item to make.

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