Chapter 9

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Shorter than the last but hoping the next one will be longer since soon Brooklyn will meet up with Thorin's Company journeying to the Lonely Mountain.


The traveling continued stressfully on for Brooklyn and Fangspirit once they were able to leave the Misty Mountains for good, looking forward to reach Rivendell and hopefully rest, but still rather nervous about meeting the elves in this place, hoping they would accept him.

They continued through nicer plains and mountains which were much more tolerable to travel in. The two only had to sleep once since Brooklyn didn't want to stop until they reached Rivendell. Their supplies were low because Brooklyn wound up losing some of them in the Misty Mountains when falling down a chasm.

One point he collapsed on the ground, shaking a little from exhaustion, feeling rather worn down and saddened. Fangspirit whined and nuzzled his friend gently, causing Brooklyn to pet him.

"Just tired boy. Don't know if I would be able to make it. But I have to if I want to find my father." He mumbled in a shaky voice. Fangspirit's ears fell, lying down on Brook's lap and cuddling with him. Brook gave his companion a hug, happy to have a friend nearby, feeling himself slipping away into sleep again right there out in the open. Rivendell was only two days away but he just felt too tired to keep it up.


He was in the cavern with all the gold in it again like in his first dream. Brooklyn walked about, shaking as he looked around. "F-father?" He stuttered, feeling rather shy and scared. Suddenly a rumbling noise was heard and Brooklyn jumped, startled at the sound and turned to see a huge dragon again in front of him; his father Smaug.

Smaug gave Brooklyn again his pleading gaze but Brooklyn's heart thumped at his 'father's' fierce yellow eyes and sharp teeth and talons. He still couldn't believe this was his father.

"Oh, my hatchling..." he said softly, leaning his head down close. Brooklyn slipped on the treasure, trying to back away. "I-I am trying to find you, f-father," Brooklyn replied, finding that word strange coming out of his mouth. Smaug gently sat down near him, giving his lost egg a nuzzle. Brook tensed but the touch was gentle, feeling his heart thump again a hundred miles from this. He raised his hand, putting it on his father's snout. The red one knew this was a dream but soon it would be reality, and he wanted to see his father in person more than ever.

Smaug gave a gentle smile and purr. "I have been lost without you." But Brooklyn had a question. "H-How did you lose me?" He asked. The dragon had a sorrowful look in his eyes but suddenly mist swirled around the two. "You're in danger... wake up!" Smaug suddenly snarled viciously.

Howling was heard in the real world and Brooklyn felt his dream leave him. "Father! Wait!" He screamed, reaching but then felt himself fall and fall.


Brook gasped when opening his eyes, feeling Fangspirit nudge his body roughly, snarling. More howls were heard and Brooklyn knew; those orc scouts on their wargs were following him still, even through the mountains. He had to reach Rivendell where hopefully safety lay and he could get away from those brutes.

"Come on, boy, we're wasting time!" Brook urged Fangspirit who didn't object. He too didn't want to face those of his kind who gave into the orc's slavery. The friends raced as fast as they could, Brooklyn sensing the Elven kingdom even closer now past the waterfalls and over a bridge. They just had to make it!

One orc scout hissed at the sight of that newcomer to Middle Earth Bolg told him about and they have informed Azog too. Now this one was on Azog and Sauron's most wanted list. They had to catch him for their master.

Brooklyn panted heavily, turning to see three orc scouts coming for them and struggled over the terrain, Fangspirit whining in fear for him and making sure to allow Brooklyn to keep in pace.

The orc scout leader drew his non-poisoned arrow, hoping to slow down their prey before they reached the Elven kingdom. Hissing, he let the arrow fly.

The gargoyle hybrid ran on all fours since his friend couldn't glide, unaware of the arrow being let loose until it was too late. He yelped aloud in agony as it hit him in the side near his stomach, holding it and falling down, just another couple of miles away from Rivendell. He lay there in pain, hoping it wasn't another poisoned one. Fangspirit whimpered, ears fallen in worry, Brooklyn unable to get up, just lying there on the bridge from his exhaustion and his wound.

"G-get help Fangspirit. P-please," he begged, eyes watering in pain, pushing Fangspirit towards Rivendell. Fangspirit didn't want to leave but wound up getting frightened by the bigger wargs and raced to the village, hoping the elves there would help his friend.

Brook could feel his wound in so much pain, hating that again he had been hit by these horrible creatures. The wargs surrounded him. The red male looked up weakly as the leader held his sword, sneering.

"Our masters have placed a huge price on your head, whatever you are. So we are taking you in!" The orc threatened, poking his sword into Brooklyn's side, making him tremble and clench up in fear, in no shape to fight even though the dragon in him told Brooklyn to do so.


Meanwhile Fangspirit had reached Rivendell and began howling at the gate, wanting anybody inside to hear his distress call. After a time the doors opened revealing Lord Elrond. His eyes rounded at the sight of the warg but it deemed small and puppy-like more than its other nastier relatives. Its eyes were sad and frightened. Another elf named Haldir showed up too with Elrond.

"Is-is that a warg?" Haldir exclaimed in shock. The warg barked fiercely and directed its nose to the bridge. Elrond frowned. "It seems to want us to follow him." He stated. The two elves glanced at each other, wondering if this was some sort of trick but eventually chose to follow the warg pup.

Upon reaching the bridge the two elves on their horses eyes widened in shock at the sight of the four orcs surrounding a huddled figure on the ground whose eyes were glowing white and hissing in a threatening mode and holding its side in pain from an orc arrow sticking out of him. Fangspirit woofed in fury and charged, knocking a warg off of the larger one's back, surprising Brooklyn and then two arrows shot at the orcs and saw them falling off of their steeds, the wargs also shrieking when having arrows shot at them too.

Brooklyn was already beginning to feel dizzy from the wound he received, trying his best to stop the bleeding and to pull the arrow out but it was wedged deep in there, making him whimper then fall again, making his ears go down from the death screams of the orcs and hearing those running away from whoever saved him.

He looked up again, vision woozy, at the sight of two new elf looking people like Legolas, pointing their arrows still, glaring at him. Brooklyn's heart beat a million miles per hour. He didn't want anymore arrows sticking into him. Fangspirit leaned in near his friend, giving a pleading whine while black spots danced in front of Brooklyn's eyes. If he didn't get help he would be dead, his breath going raspy.

"What... are you?" Murmured the dark haired elf, lowering his bow slightly at the sight of that wound. Brook coughed, eyes flickering. "D-don't hurt... me..." He begged, holding his hand up but then it fell, his breathing quickening. Haldir frowned then jumped off of his horse to look over his wound, taking his cloak to pull the arrow out. The new creature didn't seem to bring them harm and could die if the arrow wasn't removed. Gritting his teeth, he tugged and tugged, Brooklyn having tears of pain in his eyes from it until eventually the arrow came out. Haldir threw the arrow away.

"Come on, lean on me. We'll get your side treated," he offered to the beaked male who looked at him weakly, nodding slowly and accepting the arm as the elf held him up, despite Brooklyn being heavy Haldir managed to get Brooklyn onto the horse with Elrond's help. Brooklyn lay there on the horse with his arms and legs on either side, slowly falling unconscious until eventually he did. But he was safe at Rivendell now, and would be able to rest there until he could get advice on finding his dad Smaug.

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