Chapter 13

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One day after Brooklyn had met the the Company he had been sitting with his warg friend whom the dwarves had gotten to meet and somewhat got along with and worried about having to climb through the Misty Mountain goblin tunnels again since he couldn't fly over them with Fangspirit. Fangspirit whined, nuzzling Brooklyn as he chuckled softly and petted him.

"Just not looking forward to leaving this beautiful place boy. But I have to if I want to find my father," He murmured, having spoken to Gandalf before earlier and had chosen to follow the group on their way to the Lonely Mountain after Elrond read the map to Thorin that they had to get there on the night of Durin's Day. That was when he heard the voice of Haldir.

"I thought I may find you here," Grinned Haldir, holding something in his hands. Brooklyn raised his brow. "What do you want? He asked in confusion. "Well, since you may soon be leaving, I thought you could use something to help you carry your friend here."

He presented Brooklyn with a carrying pouch, just big enough for the warg pup to fit and adjust on his shoulders for long flights. Brooklyn was stunned, ears fallen. "That's really for me?" He asked, as Haldir held it out for Fangspirit to sniff. "We want you to travel safely and quick as possible, and this saddle bag may be your only chance." Brooklyn reached out to take it, beaming at him. "Thanks, Haldir. I won't forget this," He said in happiness, trying it on for size. It seemed to fit him fine. Haldir had given him more lembas bread too to eat on the way and elvish medicine.

"And the lady Galadriel sends her wishes to you, but doesn't have time to speak, since she and Gandalf are in a meeting. But you'd better catch up to your friends as they are leaving at this moment." Haldir informed. Brooklyn's ears fell at this. Why were they leaving without Gandalf? Something seemed suspicious. But he bowed to the elf. "Thank you again for helping me. And give my regards to Lord Elrond."

"Good luck," Haldir said, as Brooklyn took off on all fours to the entrance of the city where indeed; he saw the Company without Gandalf headed on their way to the Misty Mountains. "Come on boy, we gotta catch up," Brooklyn urged the warg who woofed and the two at first ran since they didn't need to glide yet. He hoped they could get there on time for Durin's Day to open the door into the mountain.


It was another long 3 days travel through fields and low hills up to the bigger mountains, where Brooklyn at first kept himself hidden but when it got to rough terrain, he waved for Bilbo's attention. The hobbit turned, eyes widening.

"Brooklyn! I thought you wound up getting left behind!" Brook grinned, the rain coming down hard on them. "I nearly did but I'm here. And I'll help if you need it," He offered. Thorin frowned slightly. "We're dwarfs. We don't need anyone's help," He growled slightly, making Brook frown a bit before shrugging and continuing to make their way across the rocky ledges which looked pretty tedious.

At least I have wings, Brooklyn thought to himself, seeing how immensely short this mountain path was when he could easily glide them over to the other side. He shouted into the rain. "I can take you guys over the mountain where you don't have to walk, you know!" He roared. Thorin's voice echoed back to him, gruff and irritated. "Dwarves don't need your help. We look after ourselves!" Thorin snapped back, making Brooklyn frown a bit. Bilbo glanced back apologetically but couldn't find any words since this storm was getting worse.

Suddenly the group heard rumbling groaning noises in the storm. Brooklyn glanced up, wondering what was going on. He saw Balin looking disbelievingly at some strange giant looking things moving that were made of stone.

"Bless my soul... it can't be!" He screamed. One revealed itself, a face completely stone, and had arms. "Giants! Stone Giants!" Brooklyn heard Oin shout, as two of them appeared. His heart beat loudly in his chest, wondering how Goliath would react to seeing stone giants like this, wondering how he hadn't seen them before in his first venturing in the mountains.

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