An Odd Encounter

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Merlin followed Arthur on his horse, glancing around the bright and cheerful forest. They weren't out on a quest, but after the last ordeal they went through with Uther's troll wife, both were in need of a respite away from the castle.

He took a deep breath, filling his lungs with fresh air.

"What are you doing, Merlin?" Arthur asked, slightly annoyed as he glanced back at him.

"Nothing, sire," Merlin said, smiling. "Just enjoying the air. And hoping we get a bit of a break before the next catastrophe to hit Camelot."

"You're telling me," Arthur muttered with a slight roll of his eyes. "At least you didn't have to die to end the last one."

"You didn't die," Merlin shot back. "It was only a pretend death."

"But I could have stayed that way," Arthur replied. "If I hadn't had the antidote."

"As if we were going to let you stay that way," Merlin scoffed. "Though it was nice to get a break from your ordering me about for a bit."

Arthur cast yet another annoyed glance at his servant, but Merlin could clearly see the smile he was attempting to fight off. Without a word, the prince turned back to face the path, breathing deeply himself.

A ride was most definitely in order, if anything to stay out of the way. Uther had ordered the castle scrubbed from top to bottom to remove the stench of troll that still seemed to linger in the air.

Even the king had moved his meetings and affairs to one of the gardens until the place was cleaned to perfection, swearing he could still smell the atrocious creature though it had been disposed of for a few days.

The pair continued on in amiable silence through the forest until the sound of clanging swords and shouts hit their ears.

"Do you hear that?" Arthur asked, sitting up in his saddle.

"Sounds like a fight," Merlin replied, starting to frown as he searched the trees.

"Or bandits attacking innocent travelers. Come, Merlin!" Arthur shouted as he kicked his horse and took off down the path.

Merlin swallowed his irritation and followed. Of course, they couldn't go for even a simple ride without running into trouble.

As the noises got louder, Arthur swung off his horse, pulling out his sword and then charged into a clearing, Merlin not far behind. The sorcerer's eyes widened as he took in the sight before them.

Sure enough a group of bandits was attacking some travelers. There were no horses, but a slender woman with long auburn hair pulled back in a loose plait was in the middle of fighting off two assailants. That was not what had Merlin transfixed, however. It was the way she moved, pirouetting across the forest floor. Her sword lightning fast as though it were an extension of her very arm. She was light on her feet and didn't seem to be breaking a sweat as she dispatched the two and turned to check on the rest of her group.

Dropping the sword, she quickly pulled a bow from her back, nocking an arrow and letting it fly in one smooth movement. She repeated the action rapidly, taking out three more bandits.

Arthur and Merlin could only stand and watch, mouths gaping, as all at once the scuffle came to an abrupt end with bandits strewn about on the ground or running off into the trees. Some of the company followed while others took stock of their party, a few going to check on a line of wagons.

The woman looked over at the two, finally noticing them there. Her sharp eyes quickly studied Arthur's armor and drawn sword. Pulling her bow back on her back, she then reached down for her sword, moving with the same swift grace he had witnessed during the fight.

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