The Calling

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Merlin walked into Arthur's rooms. It was late, but he still found the young king standing at the window, pensively staring out of it. He had been tense ever since they found Mordred helping the young druid woman escape and they had locked him up.

Merlin knew he was conflicted on what to do about the young man that he once considered a friend.

Even Merlin was conflicted, but he knew that he had to convince Arthur to do something that might repair their relationship enough that Mordred would not run to Morgana, though he feared he was too late. He needed to convince Arthur to release Kara. Give her another chance. Though he knew Gaius was right - it would not be easy.

If only Merlin had convinced Arthur to accept magic sooner. If only Kara had not spoken out against him and announced her loyalty to Morgana.

It did not help that that last conversation with Mordred just before Merlin had informed Arthur of his plans ran through his mind. He could not bring himself to answer when he had asked if he wouldn't do the same for the woman he loved.

For he knew that ultimately, he would do the same to save Elia. Mordred knew this much as well. But it was a choice between Arthur and Kara's lives and he hoped that he had made the right decision.

It was a complicated, horrible situation all the way around. With seemingly no right course of action. Mordred had already turned against Arthur. If he had been allowed to escape with Kara, he would have only joined Morgana. It was for the best - for Arthur's sake - that he was now locked up in the castle dungeon for the time being. At least he still had a chance.

"I must speak frankly, Arthur," he said, walking over to him.

Arthur looked over, the strain of the decision apparent on his face. Merlin paused for a moment, taken aback slightly by the evident pain.

"You need to give her another chance. She's young and impressionable. The perfect victim for Morgana to prey on. She might yet be saved."

"I can't. You know that. She broke the law. She killed innocent people. She must atone for her crimes," Arthur replied, a frown upon his face. "It's Mordred that I am most worried about."

"He's the reason why you must do this. You execute Kara, then you will push him away and he won't come back to you," Merlin continued. "Give her another chance. She will take it."

"We're at war, Merlin," Arthur said, his voice stern.

"Yes, and how is this one death going to bring about the peace that we all seek," Merlin said, his voice rising.

He sighed and looked up at the ceiling, wishing Elia was here. He wasn't sure if Arthur would listen to her any more than himself, but a united front would have helped. He barely had enough time to send off his letter before he had run into Mordred and learned of his plans. Perhaps he should have spoken with Gwen, convinced her to help him talk to Arthur.

He didn't want this to be the final nail in Arthur's coffin.

He looked back down at Arthur.

"Just think about it. You don't want to push Mordred straight into Morgana's hands," he said. "Please."

Arthur just turned away, looking back at the window.

"That is all," he said, dismissing Merlin.

Merlin sighed heavily as he left Arthur's room. He had hoped that the king would listen to him. Let her go. It was the only chance they had of Mordred changing his mind - of staying with Arthur. Of preventing the dark vision of Mordred killing Arthur on the battlefield.

Merlin hoped that something he had said remained in Arthur's mind. That he could change it.

"Merlin... how is he?" Gwen asked, meeting him in the corridor.

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