chapter 12 - fine

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Collins POV

I can't believe what just happened at lunch. I am so mad right now. I can't believe that Nico is trying to set Riven and Dani up. And that Riven actually said yes.

I know that I can end this all right now by just telling my friends the truth, but I can't. Not yet. The plan has always been to come out in college once I am gone and my family won't have any worries.

For the rest of the day I didn't talk to Riven. I was too upset to talk about it before her practice. We definitely have to talk about this though.

I wait outside my car as her practice is finishing. She is always the last one out so that no one will see us in the parking lot together.

"Hey" Riven says as she walks over to me leaning against my car.


We both get into my car and start to talk.

"Are you mad at me for what happened at lunch?" she asks.

"I was, but as I thought about it I think I was more mad at myself"

"Why were you mad at yourself?"

"Because I know that if I just told them the truth then we wouldn't have to lie. And Nico wouldn't tell Dani that you are interested"

"Do you want to tell them the truth?"

"I don't know. Honestly I am ready to come out and I would've already if my family wasn't who they were in this town"

"You know that your family and friends will support you no matter what"

"Yeah I know, but it's complicated"

"When will you tell them?"

"I don't know. Maybe in college or something" I say, noticing that Riven did not like my response.


"Is that not okay with you?" I ask with concern.

"No, it's just that I thought maybe you would tell them sooner"

"Why would you think that?"

"I don't know, I just figured that maybe you would tell them as we got more serious. I know that you've never had anything serious with a girl before so you haven't had a reason to come out before. And I don't want you to come out just for me, but I figured at least your friends would know"

"Riven, I told you why I can't come out. And I'm sorry but I am not going to come out just for a hookup"

"Are you being serious right now?" she asks.

"We are just having fun. We never said we were going to be exclusive, I didn't ask you to be my girlfriend or anything"

Although I did want to ask her to be my girlfriend, but I was too nervous. And now I don't think she would say yes knowing that it would have to be a secret. I don't want to keep her a secret, but I also don't want what happened to my sister to happen again.


"I'm sor-"

"No, it's fine. I shouldn't have just assumed anything" she interrupts, frustrated. Before I can speak she continues.

"No, you know what screw that. I know that this is not just casually hooking up. So I don't understand why you are acting like this right now" she turns her body towards me.

"For me that is all it can be and if you aren't cool with that then maybe we should just stop"

"Fine" she says, turning back into her seat.

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