chapter 20 - rivalries

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Riven POV

After practice I was so tired. The workout I had with Collins plus the conditioning we had at practice had me done. I just wanted to fall and lay on the floor. And I would definitely be doing that when I get home, but I told Nico and Simon I would be at their game.

I wore a white Blackview t-shirt, jeans that were cuffed at the bottom, and my yellow vans.

Once we are at the game me and Fallon go over to the student section. It is so packed on both sides. Blackview and Lakeside have been rivals for years. And during football season things get pretty intense. Nico and Simon really want to beat them this year since it is their senior year.

As me and Fallon get to the student section it is hard to find my friends because there are so many people. I think almost the entire school is here.

"Hey beautiful" I hear someone whisper into my ear. As I turn, I see Collins standing there with her beautiful smile on her face. She has on a gray Blackview football t-shirt, black jeans, and converse. Her wavy hair is falling to the sides of her face and she has eyeliner on that makes her amazing green eyes pop.

"Hi" I smile back at her. I know I am blushing hard, but I don't care.

"Yeah I'm not third-wheeling" Fallon says as me and Collins are staring at each other. "Do you know where your brother is?" she asks Collins.

"Um, yeah he is right over there" she points into the stands and once Fallon sees him, she goes to meet him.

"Okay they are definitely into each other, right?" I ask Collins as soon as Fallon is not close by.

"Oh for sure"

"I'm glad she met your brother. He is really nice"

"Yeah, he is the best brother I could ask for. But he should be so lucky if Fallon says yes to him asking her out"

"Wait, he is going to ask her out?"

"Yup. He told me he was going to ask her out on a date after the game"

"Aww they are so cute"

"They are, but not as cute as us" she says as she kisses me.

"Oh get a room" we hear before turning to see who it is.

"Or a car" Levi smirks.

"Ha, ha, ha" I reply to Levi.

"Come on, let's try to get some seats before the game starts" Levi says grabbing onto my wrist as we walk up the bleachers.

Saylor isn't with us since she is on the cheer team. We are able to see her on the sidelines though. As we try to find seats I see Dani and her friends sitting. She so happens to turn and see me as we get closer to her.

"Riven! Come sit with us!" she shouts as she motions for us to come over.

I make my way over to her with Levi and Collins walking behind me. The entire school knew about me and Collins within the day, so I knew Dani found out too, but I talked to her and told her that Collins was the mystery girl.

"Thanks for letting us sit with you guys" I say to her and her friends.

"Yeah of course!" Dani replies. 

"Dude we were so surprised when we found out that you were the mystery girl" one of Dani's friends says to Collins.

"What are you talking about?" Collins asks, confused.

"Riven wouldn't tell us who the girl she was in love with. Even though we asked a lot"

"Yeah, she totally friend-zoned me and wouldn't even tell me who" Dani laughs.

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