Chapter 46

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Zikalala : "Baby , I'm really sorry. I honestly didn't think this would be the results of..."

Mantombi : "Ucabanga ukuthi bekuzo kwenzekani uma ulala naye without any protection? Hheee?" She shouted. (What did you think was gonna happen when you slept with her..)

Zikalala : "Ngiyaxolisa bandla makaSiko." He looked so remorseful , like he was about to burst into a loud sob and it didn't help that the baby was wailing.

Mantombi : "Just leave me alone. Give me that damn child!" He handed the child to her.

Zikalala : "...."

Mantombi : "Nihamba niyazalisa kodwa anikwazi nokuzimela lezongane , nxargh'a!" She said irritated shushing the baby.

Zikalala : "Here's his bottle."

Mantombi : "nx." She grabbed it harshly and fed the baby that immediately opened it's eyes and looked at her , her heart felt warm instantly. She loved him , it was love at first sight.

Senkosi : "Ingane? Eya ba?" He asked excitedly looking at the baby.

Zikalala : "Thats your small brother."

Senkosi : "Hhaa!" He kept kissing the baby. Mantombi was just staring at the baby brushing his little cheeks.

Mantombi : "Seluleko."

Zikalala : "hm?"

Mantombi : "His name. His name is Seluleko." She said softly and kissed the baby's forehead.


Thandeka : "What do you mean mama?! What?!" Her daughter was the most stubborn and she took after MaXulu as she was named after her.

MaXulu : "Yeah. Im sorry for keeping the truth from you guys all the years."

Asemahle : "I'm actually relieved that , that monster was actually not our father. I hate him even in his death."

Thandeka : "Yeah , you have a point. So who is our father?"

MaXulu : *clears throat* "Bhekani Sijadu."

Thandeka : "Mom!!"

Asemahle : "Huh?" Then she burst out laughing , her grandma followed.

MaXulu : "Y'all done? I don't even know why y'all laughing nje!" She was irritated.

Thandeka : "But seriously mom! Isn't he older than You?"

MaXulu : "Shut up! 7 years isn't old. And he would like to meet y'all officially and have a relationship with you guys."

Asemahle : "I'm ready. I like him."

Thandeka : "I guess I have no choice." She huffed.

MaXulu : "Okay , tomorrow he's coming over."

Asemahle : "I still want to see Sikolethu , I want to apologize to her."

Thandeka : "Me too , we hated the girl for no apparent reason."

MaXulu : "Do that but don't expect her to welcome y'all with open arms."

Asemahle : "Yes mah."

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