the plane ride

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maybe the ride wont be so bad after all. 

"im Harry!" the curly haired boy said, still smiling. 

"Emerson" i say, shaking his hand and smiling back. 

"so, what brings a beautiful girl like you all the way to Cheshire?" harry asks. i just blush a little bit. im not sure if im ready to tell him or not. i donk know if i want to tell anyone. well, here goes nothing. 

"well, uhm i uhm" i say, tearing up. just thinking about my parents upsets me. "i am going to live with my Aunt in Cheshire." i manage to choke out. 

"what about your parents?" harry asks. 

"uhhm..... they uhm... sorta.... died in a plane crash last week." i whisper. 

suddenly, harry's face softens as he puts his hand on my shoulder in a comforting way. 

"im so sorry" he says quietly. 

"thanks" i say as he smiles. "so why are you going to Cheshire?" i ask, changing the subject. 

"well, im actually going back home" he says, plainly. 

"oh?" i ask im, urging to continue.

"well, i was just here in America to visit my cousin in Denver."

"oh! who's your cousin?" i ask.

"her name is Desiree Thompson, you know her?" he asks. 

"Oh my god yes!!! she is my freaking best friend!!!" i almost yell.

he just smiles, and his dimples show perfectly. man this boy is attractive. 

"thats cool, wanna watch a movie?" he asks. 

i nod my head. 

"i have The Hunger Games, Norbit, or Baby Mamma" he says. 

i ponder my choices.... "Norbit" i say with a smile. he puts the dvd into his portable player. he plugs in his headphones and hands me an earbud. i gladly accept it and put it in my ear, and we watch the movie together. 



"its not time for that yet sir."

"Well then, im objectulating prematurely" the men on the screen say. 

harry and i both laugh. i love this movie way too much.


once the movie is over, i hand harry back his headphones and he smiles at me. 

"so, how does Desiree act when im not around?" harry asks. 

"she is just as crazy and random as i am. shes much, much prettier than me though." i say, truthfully. 

he slightly frowns. im right though. she is gorgeous! hse has this crazy long brown hair that is really wavy. stunning green eyes and shes so curvy yet skinny. im like the opposite. i have long blonde hair, and icy blue eyes and my body is skinny, but it isnt perfectly curvy like hers. i also have a large healing scar goins across my entire stomach because of my surgery from the crash last week. 

"i think you're beautiful." harry says. i smile and lean my head on his shoulder. 

"Attention passengers, we will be arriving in Cheshire, England in about 15 hours, plenty of time to take a quick sleep" i hear the captain say. 

i recline my seat and cover myself with a blanket as harry does the same. we slowly drift off to sleep. 


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