love this boy

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we spent the entire afternoon getting to know each other. i learned that he likes to sing, he is 16 years old, he has a thing for cats, he doesnt get many girlfriends, and he plays guitar. i also told him a lot about me. i feel like i've known him for years. 

once we got back near our houses, he walked me up to my front door. 

"good night Emerson" he says, smiling. 

"Good night Harry." i say back to him. i wrap my arms around his waist, since he is so dang tall. he hugs me back and then begins to walk home. i smile, turn around and go inside. 

"hey there, girlfriend" my aunt says as i walk in. did i mention my aunt was only 22? yeah. shes young. 

"i think i like harry." i blurted out. 

"oh!! tell me everything!!" she said. so i did. i told her every little detail of out afternoon together. 

by the time i was done, she was basically fangirling. "OMG you guys should totally date!!!" she screams. 

"we'll see, im off to shower." i said as i got up and walked into my bathroom. 

i turned on my hot water, and stripped off all of my clothes. i stepped into the shower and let the water wet my hair down completely. i looked down at my shampoo bottles. yum! strawberry shampoo and conditioner is my absolute favorite! my aunt, Ashlyn, knows me so well. 

when i step out of the shower, i wrap my body in a towel, and walk into my bedroom. i grab some pajamas, flannel pants and a justin bieber shirt, and put them on, as i unwrap my towel from my body. i use it to dry my hair as well. once im done, i hang up my towel on the back of my door and tie my soaked blonde hair up into a messy bun on top of my head. i walk back out into the living room, where Aunt Ashlyn is ordering pizza. i just laugh as she pats the couch next to her and i come sit down. 

as she hangs up the phone, she sets it down on the table. 

"so, wanna watch a movie?" she asks. 

i nod. 

"any suggestions?" she asks again. 

"The Perks of Being a Wallflower?" i ask. 

"omg yes!!!" she says, selecting the movie. 

about 10 minutes into the movie, the pizza comes. she gets it and pays before setting everything down on the coffee table and then runs into the kitchen to grab two plastic cups for the soda she bought us. she sets them both on the table and pours the soda. we continue to eat pizza and watch the movie until its over. 

"well, im off to bed. thanks for everything, Ashlyn" i say, hugging my aunt. 

"your welcome, baby" she says, stroking my hair. she knew exactly what i was talking about too. as soon as our embrace ends, i turn around and go into my bedroom. i pull the covers back on my bed and hop in. i drift out of consiousness within minutes. 


the next morning, i wake up to a text message. 

"from: Harry:)

morning beautiful! x be ready by 11;)   -H."

im blushing so much. i jump out of bed and immediately run to my dresser. i pull out a pair of white skinny jeans and a pink lacy blouse. i take off my pajama pants and put my jeans on. once they are up and buttoned, i put on my zebra print belt. then i put on a plain white spaghetti strap tank top and then covered it with my blouse. i pulled my hair down from the messy bun i had it in last night and i rustled it a little bit. it looked great so i didnt touch it. i put my makeup on and then some socks. i walked out into the living room. 

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