Chapter 2

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The amount of time that passed by so quickly still had Xavier shocked.  It was almost as if the world stopped moving but everything was just speeding by.  He could barely remember what was said at his principal's funeral.  Honestly he couldn’t remember much of anything after his fight with the Pilgrim.  Apparently he had fallen unconscious despite his efforts, but he was lucky and the concussion was only mild and no permanent damage had taken place.

He had met with Wednesday afterwards.  Even if he didn’t know how to feel about her, it didn’t change the fact that she was willing to take an arrow in his stead.  She could have easily died pulling that stunt, but it was Wednesday  it would take far more than a stab and an arrow to get her down.  Apparently it only took a concussion to take him out though.

I heard you're free man now.”

Her voice echoed in his brain as he leaned his head against the car window.

“Yep…” He nodded, pressing his lips tightly together. “All charges dismissed…” He took a deep breath.  “Listen.. When I was in the cell, I said a lot of… things.  Being your friend should come with a warning label, but I don’t know a lot of people who would take an arrow for me. So… welcome to the twenty-first century, Addams.”

He handed her a black box with a ribbon.  She looked at him with her regular deadpanned eyes before opening it and revealing the phone inside.  Her eyes met his again and he passed her a thin smile.

“My number’s in there already.”

“That’s a bold move.” She put the lid on.  “Hope you're not expecting me to call you.”

“No.  Never.” Xavier looked down, shaking his head, repressing his grin. He looked her dead in the eyes.  “I’d settle for a text though… you know what a text is, right?”

“Goodbye, Xavier.”

He wasn’t certain if his teasing made her walk away, or if she was actually touched by the gift.  But she was always a mystery and a puzzle to him.  One he had desperately wished to solve, but now, he just wanted to fix the broken relationship.  Wednesday was a puzzle that could only be put together with the pieces she gave.  No one could find them.  They had to be revealed and she was slowly showing new ones as time went on.

The rain hitting the car windows only made him think about her more.  She appreciated dreary weather far more than the sunny days.  So he glanced at his phone.  He didn’t expect a text, especially one so soon.  Sure enough, she hadn’t sent anything.  Xavier began to debate if he should just send her a random gif to annoy her and see if he could get a reaction.  But then he decided that it would be better if she reached out to him.  The last thing he wanted to do would be to accidentally overstep his boundaries and ruin the new foundation that they were setting.

His eyes drifted towards the driver.  It must have been a new one because he didn’t recognize him.  He could try to make conversation with him, but he honestly didn’t want to bother.  Of course his father had been too busy to come pick him up himself.  Even if Xavier almost died and his father still sent a stranger to get him.  No text.  No call.  Nothing.

Just thinking about his father gave him an overwhelming feeling.  A feeling that made him want to throw things and just scream with utter rage.  Rage that he had to bury deep within himself.  He had enough slip up outbursts that week already anyways.  He didn’t need another one to add to his list to be disappointed in himself about.  Seriously.  How hard was it to keep it together without the expense of people around him?

The ride felt like it lasted far longer than it actually was.  The car pulled up the long driveway, in front of a large house.  Xavier barely waited until the driver stopped before he swung the door and stepped out.  He slammed it shut, giving him an odd sense of relief.  Maybe he should do it a little more.  It always felt like it gave the point his words never seemed to give.

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