Chapter 12

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When Xavier came storming into his art studio, Wednesday looked up abruptly from the painting of the pilgrim (whom they wanted to avoid talking about, but unfortunately couldn't ignore him).  She silently stood there while she patiently waited for him to finish muttering under his breath.  She noticed a lot of choice words thrown in.

Wednesday liked to think of herself patient when it was needed, but she eventually cleared her throat.  That caught his attention.  He looked up at her, silence befalling the room once again.

"Taking the tizzy you're in, I'm assuming your forced meeting with your father did not have a positive turn out."

Xavier gave a frustrated groan as he gripped the roots of his hair.  "He wants you and your mother gone ASAP.  And he's hosting a business meeting that I'm going to be stuck attending."

"Is that it?" She crossed her arms.  Leaving was definitely going to be a pain in the neck, but she figured she could find a loophole.  She could easily live in the family car without complaint and plan a stakeout.

"And he wants me to cut off all contact with you and your entire family," he finished.

Honestly, she should have seen all of this coming.  In a way, she supposed she did.  It was just unfortunate that she didn't have enough time to plan her counter to Vincent Thorpe's ploy.  But she had no doubt that she wouldn't be able to figure it out.

She looked back up at him, arms still crossed.  "I'm not leaving without the case of Crackstone cracked."

"Tell that to my father," he muttered.

"You told him?" She was surprised by this.

"No," he said.

"I see." Wednesday stood there, her face emotionless.  Suddenly, she turned on her heels.

"Where are you going?" Xavier inquired.  "Your mother is already packing your things... You don't need to leave yet..."

She caught the desperate look in his eyes.  Why did it feel like someone was stabbing her heart with needles?  She hated the feeling, so she turned away.  "Giving your father a pep talk," she said wryly.

Xavier gave a few protests, but she ignored him.  She walked briskly through the halls until reaching the familiar office door.  Without even knocking, she swung the door open.  "We need to talk," she demanded.

Mr. Thorpe looked up at her.  He shoved his papers in his folder before he leaned back in his chair. "Miss Addams." He did not sound happy by her appearance.  "I apologize you're visit must be cut short."

"You know it's not that," she stated.

He let out a loud sigh.  "Miss Addams, you must understand.  Ever since you started going to Nevermore, it's caused nothing but havoc, and somehow my son is in the middle of all of it."

"So you have looked at the reports," she deadpanned, crossing her arms.

Vincent passed her a dark look, but she wasn't fazed by it.  "I suppose it's nice to know that the Addams' family continues the same legacy."

"You're referring to the Garrett Gates incident." She cast him a dark look.

The man pressed his hands together as he leaned his elbows against his desk.  "Listen, the Thorpe's have trouble following them.  Addams cause trouble.  Our families don't mesh well.  Never have and never will.  I've always had a deep respect for your family's unique... expression." He gestured to her dark clothes.  "However-"

"In short, you find me a danger to Xavier." She had to fight back a snort. He really had no idea what trouble his son was up against.  What trouble he was about to cause with her.  "Perhaps my family may cause trouble in your eyes, but we certainly finish it."

"Perhaps, miss Addams." He stood up and calmly walked around his desk, looking down at her.  The man looked out the window for a moment before continuing.  "You've seen to have made a deep impression on my son."

Wednesday didn't reply.  She suppose she had.  From the start, Xavier had been very open about how he felt about her.  He was open about his admiration for her.  His anger towards her when she made the mistake of blaming him for being the Hyde.  His uncertainty of her when he first forgave her.  And, eventually, his discomfort of going separate ways.  But perhaps Xavier had left an impression on her as well.

Vincent didn't wait for her to reply to him, before he looked her dead in the eyes.  "Xavier is a lot like his mother.  He finds beauty in anything and everything in the world around him.  Many often take advantage of his kind heart."

This time she did snort.  "Your son is far from gullible." Although she wouldn't say it allowed, but he was the one who was wary of Tyler from the start while she fell into the trap and kissed him.

The man gave her a solemn look.  "That may be, but I'm his father.  I'd rather be safe than sorry.  For Xavier's sake, I wouldn't go near him."

Thorpe was only aggravating her more by the second.  If Eugene had his bees nearby, she would have released them on the man in front of her.  Unfortunately, she would have to wait for her revenge.  Perhaps by sending it by package.

She crossed her arms.  "I will not tell your son what he can or can not do."

He laughed before his expression grew dark.  "I find that funny, Addams.  After all, I know everything that happened at Nevermore.  But you don't know the half of it, girl.  You know, it would really be a shame if anyone in your family got hurt, Addams."

Her eyes flickered.  "Are you threatening me?"

Vincent shook his head.  "I'm warning.  Leave.  I already have one of my servants ready to escort you and your mother home."

Before she could even react, one of the servants walked in the office.  He offered his arm, but she refused.  Instead she looked at Mr. Thorpe.  "I would tread carefully, Thorpe."

"I try," he said.

She turned on her heels and stormed out of the room.

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