Chapter 11

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It was all pure relief when Vincent Thorpe announcement that he would be needed to go to his office to work.  And Xavier had expected that meant he would be free and could haul himself in his room or art studio and discuss with Wednesday what their next step should be.  But no sooner had both him and Wednesday began to go upstairs, he was stopped by Cruise.


Xavier sighed and turned to him.  "What?"

"Your father has requested to speak with you in his office," Cruise said, pushing his glasses further up his nose.

Groaning, Xavier begrudgingly began to head towards the office.  He stopped when Wednesday grabbed his arm.  "If you wish me to handle this situation, I am not opposed to revealing my renown skills to your father."

A smirk spread across his face.  "I'm begining to think you will regardless of my wishes.  But I can handle this."

She seemed to take his words in agreement.  "Pity.  I was feeling bored.  I suppose it must wait."

He laughed in response.

Wednesday gave him a deadpanned look.  "You laugh as if you believe I am joking."

"Oh, I know you're not," Xavier replied with a smug look.  "I just find it funny how you refuse to admit you care about me, yet insist to murder anyone who so much as look at me the wrong way."

She frowned, releasing his arm.  "You may convince yourself whatever you wish to believe," she bit off.

Her words only proved his point further, but he said nothing more.  After noticing the annoyed expression on Cruise, he finally followed him to his father's office.  That meant he left Wednesday alone once again, but he wasn't really worried at the moment.  It was still daylight and he figured the attacks would die down due to his father's arrival.

When he came to his father's office, he entered the room.  His father was staring out the broken window, a dark look forming on his face.  The man turned to look at him as Xavier shut the door behind him, leaving them both alone in the office.

"Xavier, do you know what happened to my windows?  There are no staff reports on them, or any details."

The shattered windows had completely left Xavier's mind.  They had cleaned up all the evidence of Laurel and Tyler's break in and covered the broken windows with plastic to keep annoying bugs out of the house.  He didn't even think to come up with any excuses or explanations.

"Baseball." The word fell out of his mouth before he could even think it through.

"Baseball?" His father looked unconvinced.  "You don't play baseball."

Xavier shoved his hands in his jacket pockets and tried to keep a blank face.  "Yeah.  New thing..."

"So.  Let me get this straight.  Within the time of you coming back from Nevermore, you started baseball.  And broke two windows on opposite sides of the house?"

"Yeah... Hasn't been going well..."

"Interesting." Mr. Thorpe still didn't appear completely convinced, but didn't press it any further.  "Also, the security cameras had disconnected a few times this past week."

That was news.  Honestly, Xavier suddenly felt stupid for never even checking the security footage.  But now he knew that it had been tampered with, it probably wouldn't do them any good. Although, it was off putting that his enemy knew how to hack his security system, it was definitely vital information.

"That's not great," Xavier said at last, crossing his arms.

"You don't seem alarmed."

He raised a brow.  "Should I be?"

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