Chapter 4

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Sleep? Sleep was a myth. The fact that Wednesday dragged her parents out of bed to tell them she was leaving to go to Xavier's, proved that sleep could wait. Of course they had questions. Like why so suddenly and so soon. She had only returned home hours prior. At least they hadn't poked or teased her about her wanting to see a boy in the middle of the night. Or jump to any conclusions, out loud at least.

No, she gave them a quick run through of what was going on. Of course her parents weren't going to want her to go alone. So her mother wasted no time packing a suitcase with her daughter and went into the limo to go to Xavier's. All by five in the morning too. Wednesday appreciated her family's urgency to help her friend and her mother's willingness to figure out details on the ride rather than wait.

Wednesday had also been told to try and sleep, but it was impossible to rest. Not while the adrenaline was coursing through her blood. Especially since it wasn't the fun kind and was making her nauseous.

The ride felt longer than it was, but when they finally reached the house, Wednesday allowed herself a silent sigh of relief. Her and her mother grabbed their suitcases and headed towards the front door. Morticia used the door knocker and waited.

The door was opened by a woman. She looked shocked, especially upon seeing the suitcases. "I'm sorry, but Mr. Thorpe is not here."

"We're aware," Wednesday retorted, pushing past the woman to get inside.

"Wait! I'll call the cops!" The woman cried with dismay.

"I invited them."

They looked at the staircase where Xavier was standing. Wednesday immediately noticed the dark circles under his eyes, indicating that he probably hadn't had any sleep after her call with him. He was definitely distressed by the way his shoulders were tight and stiff instead of loose in his typical carefree manner.

"I don't think your father would appreciate-" the maid began.

Xavier shrugged when he reached the bottom stair. "He's not here. What he doesn't know won't hurt him. Besides, I don't think he gives a dime," he muttered.

The maid sighed, but she didn't seem keen on arguing any further. She stepped back and let Morticia enter and closed the door behind them. Xavier picked up Morticia's bag. Wednesday noted that he didn't even try to take hers, knowing she wouldn't like the notion, but she appreciated his offer to her mother.

"There's some guest rooms upstairs," he continued as he led them up the stairs. When they reached the first one, he set Morticia's bags in it.

"Thank you," Mrs. Addams said. She looked at Xavier for a moment. "Your father is not home?"

"Out of the country," Xavier muttered.

"He wouldn't want to know we're here?"

"He doesn't even know my birthday." Xavier let out a chuckle, but Morticia had a hard time concealing her shock and distaste of Vincent's parenting style.

Xavier didn't miss a beat. "Wednesday, your room is right across the hall from this one." He pointed at the door. "Mine is at the other end. The doors lock from the inside but can't be unlocked from the outside because there's no keyhole. If you need anything, don't worry, just ask… Have you eaten yet? The cook made donuts if you're into that. We can make something else if you prefer," he rambled.

"Donuts will be fine," Morticia said.

"Sweet… uh… they're downstairs in the kitchen. One of the staff can show you. I need to change my shirt. I just spilt paint all over it before you came in. I'll be right back if you don't mind."

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