Chapter 13

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The whisper in his ears were getting easier to ignore.  Xavier wasn't sure if it was because he was starting to get used to ghost of an evil pilgrim in his head, or he was simply too focused on too many other pressing matters at once. After all, the sinking feeling in stomach since Wednesday and her mother drove off was making him nauseous.  Or maybe it was the anxiety building pressure in his ears.

In his darkest times, paint was the only thing he had.  So he stared at a blank easel with a dry brush in his hand.  There were too many thoughts to focus on painting inspiration.

The sound of his phone buzzing made him put the brush down.  He picked up his cell, looking at the text.  It was Wednesday.  Of course he wasn't going to block or delete her.  His father was delusional if he thought otherwise.  Same with all his other 'unaproved' friends.

Wednesday: When your father's servant isn't chaperoning us home, I'll come back and pick you up.

Xavier let out a tired sigh.  As nice as that sounded, he didn't want the Addams to get charged with child abducted.  His father would definitely press charges.

Xavier: Don't bother.  He'll probably be gone within a week and then we'll meet up.

He set his phone down only for it to buzz again.  Picking it back up, he clicked on her text again.

Wednesday: He's hiding something.

To Xavier's knowledge, he supposed that Wednesday was on to something.  His whole life, he didn't consider that his father was hiding anything because he never knew his father well.  Was that on purpose?  He shook his head.  The last thing he wanted fall into yet another spiral.

Before he had a chance to reply, the door to his art studio swung open.  Xavier looked at the new arrival, immediately shutting his phone off completely.  He didn't want his father to notice Wednesday's texts.

Mr. Thorpe stood beside him.  He held out his hand.  Xavier raised a brow.  "What?"

"Your phone."

"Why?" Arguing wasn't going to go anywhere, but he wasn't going to just let his father have it.

"To make sure you did what you were told."

Xavier begrudgingly set the phone in the man's hand.  "Surprised you didn't send one of your lackey's in your stead," he muttered under his breath.

"Watch your tone," the man hissed.  He turned on the device but they had to wait for it to load.  When it reached the lock screen, he looked at Xavier.  "Your password."

The teen was silent for a moment.  Suddenly, a text popped onto the screen.  Xavier saw the profile, but he didn't get a chance to read it. Unfortunately, his father did.  Without warning, Mr. Thorpe suddenly threw the phone across the room.  It shattered against the wall.

Xavier's jaw dropped, completely speechless.  Did he expect a scolding? Oh yeah.  For his father to take the phone? Yes.  He was hoping to steal it back from his father's office that night, but if appeared that he wasn't even going to get the chance.

"What the heck!" He finally snapped, standing up.  Now the stool he had been sitting on stood between them.

"Your friend is persistent," he retorted.  "I should have had that school keep a better eye on you."

What the heck was going on?  Xavier had to be missing something.  Although his father was always actively absent or overbearing, he was never violent.  At least, Xavier had never seen him throw things out of anger.  Yell?  Absolutely.  But not this.

"Why do you care so much?" Xavier clenched his fists.

"I'm you're father.  I always have," he insisted.

"No, that's not what I..." The teen frustratingly ran his fingers through his hair. He was completely at a loss for words, not sure what he was supposed to say or do.

"Your safety always comes first," his father patted his shoulder before leaving the room.

Xavier was left standing there, completely uncertain what he was supposed to do.  He no longer had a phone or a way to contact Wednesday.  Then he remembered that he still had a laptop.  Although he didn't have Wednesday's email, he did have Ajax.  And Ajax would have Enid's number.  And Enid would have Wednesday's number.  She could help Wednesday set up an email account if she didn't have one yet and he could communicate that way.  Yes, that should work.

A movement in the corner of the room made Xavier jerk his head in the direction.  He paused upon seeing a familiar figure.  A hand with no body was peaking out from behind a canvas.

"Oh, crap," Xavier hissed.  The shattered phone barely missed landing on Thing.  He rushed over, offering his hand.  The hand crawled up on his shoulder.  To say it felt very weird was an understatement, but Xavier didn't mention it.

"Did they forget you?" He asked.

Thing tapped in code on his shoulder.  Unfortunately, Xavier wasn't fluent in Thing like the Addams and Enid.  He could only guess the hand noticed his confusion.  Thing pointed out the door.  The teen followed the direction through different halls until they reached the room Wednesday had been using.

Eventually, he noticed what Thing was trying to show jim.  A note had been left on the bedside table.  Picking it up, it was very short and obviously written in a hurry.

Thing will watch over you until I can get back. -Wednesday

Xavier smiled slightly.  He looked at the hand.  "Why thank you.  Glad to have the company."

Thing tapped something on his shoulder that Xavier could only guess the meaning to.  He supposed that he needed to start figuring out the code pretty quickly.  But before that, he was suddenly begining to realize the advantage of having a detached hand friend.  And if Thing agreed, they could easily break into his father's office and check for anymore clues again.

"I just had a crazy idea," Xavier began.  Thing leaned closer and the teen smirked.

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