Chapter 14

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AN: I don't why I find both Morticia and Wednesday so hard to write.  So if they ever feel out of character, I apologize.  :)


Getting kicked out of the Thorpe manor was definitely classified as a set back.  The escort felt far less like a polite gesture and more like an installment to force her and her mother to return to their home.  Or even a threat in it's own way.

Either way, Wednesday felt somewhat better knowing she had managed to leave Thing with Xavier without the hand being discovered.  And knowing Thing, he would manage to remain hidden from view until necessary.  She glanced over at Morticia.  It had been her Mother's idea to leave Thing with Xavier.  Het mother also gave an inspirational speech to her, which she couldn't remember the words to.

The next part of her plan was to bring in back up.  As much as she hated dragging her friends into a dangerous situation, she had to admit that she could use Enid's advice.  After all, the girl had a way of creeping her way into other people's hearts.  Even the most stoic and callus (unless it was Enid's mother of course). If anyone could make an overbearing father loosen up a little, it would be her, right?

The last thing she would want to admit was that she was just as loss as ever in what her next step.  Not only was Tyler on the loose, but so was Lauren, who was hunting down Xavier.  Xavier had a voice in his head from a dead man she had hoped she'd never hear the name of again.  And now she was currently unable to aid him.

Of course he could have been busy, but she didn't like that he hadn't answered her text.  It was marked as read, but she had sent him a second text.  That was left unread with a note that her his phone was offline and her messages would go through.  He hadn't blocked her and she had cell service.  So what could be blocking her texts?

The silence was unnerving, letting her mind race.  Wednesday was only feeling more and more restless as time went on.  Honestly, it felt like they should have already been home.  But her mother had given the driver instructions, and it looked like the same route they had originally taken to get to the Thorpe house.

She pulled out her phone and prepared a text for Enid.  Of course there was too much detail for everything and only mentioned being kicked out of the house, Xavier's distress and not getting any answers for her texts.  Enid didn't take long to respond.

Enid: Maybe his dad just turned off his phone.  Ajax says he does it all the time. Or just got him an entirely new number.  That happens a lot too.

Well, that was reassuring, she snorted.  Why did Thorpe need to change his son's number so often as if it were a pair of shoes?  Was this normal?  She shook her head when Enid sent her a second text.

Enid: Are you close to home?

She sent a reply.

Wednesday: Yes. In the woods. Why?

It was silent for a moment before the dots appeared on the screen. After awhile, Enid's text came.

Enid:  You know how Tyler is free and about?  There's actually been reports of a Hyde in your part of the woods since last night.  Ajax, Bianca and I are worried that it might be you know who.  But we haven't been able to prove it.

Wednesday stared at her screen for a moment.  Why was she only learning about all of this now?

Wednesday: And you didn't think to bring this up to me?

Enid: You have the whole Xavier drama!  Plus we didn't want to bring it up until we were certain it was Tyler.

Wednesday: So you, Ajax and Bianca are roaming around the woods alone with a monster and an unhinged woman posibly nearby?

Enid: Maybe...

Wednesday: Impressive.

Annoying or not, she supposed she appreciated the gesture.  They were doing something she totally would have. But even if she was impressed she was far more frustrated than anything else as she let out a loud sigh, turning off her phone.  For the first time in her life, Wednesday had started to feel overwhelmed the past few weeks and things had only been piling up.  Her detective nightmarish books had become her reality.  But perhaps she never wanted it to transition from nightmares into night terrors.

She paused.  Something didn't feel right.  An odd chill coursed through her body.  The hairs on the back of her neck began to rise.  Before she was even given the chance to react, something slammed into the side of the car.  The limo was hit with such force that the chaperone skidded off the road, rolling in a ditch.  The car flipped upside down and Wednesday felt her head slam back against the seat.

Her world flashed and stars spread across her vision.  For just a moment, she could see Xavier walking towards her.  But they were in a large, dark room filled with candles.  Yet, the look in his eyes were dull and the smirk on his face was cold.  Almost as if he was playing an evil villain for a movie and forgot his role wasn't real.  Then he started walking towards her and all she wanted to do was run, because she knew that wasn't Xavier.

Slowly, she blinked, her vision returning her.  They were upside down, only being held up by their seatbelts.  It did not help that her mother was unconscious, so her body swung slightly and her hair blew from the wind rushing through from the broken window.

Wednesday found the button to her seatbelt and clicked it.  She flipped out of her seat, landing on the car ceiling.  Her body ached from the impact as ash got on her hands and knees.  She looked out the window and she felt her whole body grow stiff.  A familiar creature was peering in the window with wild eyes.


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