It would be so easy.

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Art by monepaint on Instagram :3333

The sun finally set over the already gloomy house, casting shadows that were darker than the darkest corners. Fukase was far from tired. How could he be when this house made the hair on the back of his neck stand up?

  Despite this, he felt safe with Oliver here. They were cuddled up in bed, looking at memes together and laughing. No harm would come to them like this, Fukase was convinced. He started falling silent as they continued to scroll, nuzzling his face into Oliver's shoulder and tightening his grip around his arm.

  "You seem comfortable." Oliver commented softly.

  "You make me feel safe." Fukase replied half asleep.

  Fukase's head fell forward a little, and Oliver glanced over to see the boy had fallen asleep. He smiled as he put the phone down and adjusted Fukase so he could be in a more comfortable position.

  Oliver stared down at his sleeping form. His chest rose and fell with each breath, and drool escaped the corner of Fukase's mouth where the stitching was. Oliver tried wiping it away with his sleeve but it was only replaced moments later.

  Something twisted at his blackened heart.

  How could Fukase sleep so peacefully after today? Oliver knew what he had experienced. After all, he was the mastermind behind it. Yet Fukase looked like he had never even seen or heard anything otherworldly.

  ... Why? Why wasn't he more scared? How did Fukase trust Oliver, of all people, to keep him safe? Oliver was dangerous, his whole family was dangerous, yet Fukase slept so soundly in Oliver's bed that you'd think that he was accustomed to it.

  He scratched at the scars on his face.

  A part of him was relieved he could sleep like this. That Oliver, somehow, made him feel so secure he could easily dream. It was a nice feeling.

  He stared at Fukase's exposed throat. It would be easy. It would be quick and painless. Fukase would feel no fear.

  Oliver's claws twitched, and he forced himself to look away. He crawled across the bed and stood up, waving a hand dismissively.

  "If any of you give him nightmares tonight, I'm gonna exorcise you. Do not touch him for the rest of his stay."

  The spirits faded away, and Oliver stayed still until he couldn't feel their presence anymore. He abandoned his physical form as he disappeared into the shadows and reappeared in his parents bedroom. He solidified and crawled onto their bed and on top of them. He started shaking the both of them until they awoke.

  "It's alive." Oliver commented dryly, and his father's face lit up.

  "Frankenstein reference! What a way to wake up." He grinned stupidly as he sat up and yawned. He helped Ann sit up as well.

  "Oh, what time is it hon?" She rubbed her eyes and yawned as well.

  "Almost 3am." Oliver answered her. "I need help."

  His parents were fully awake now and deathly serious. It kinda disturbed Oliver how quickly they switched to parent mode even while half asleep.

  "It's Fukase." He started, scratching at the scars on his face again. "He makes me feel. Confused."

  "Confused how, dear?" Ann pressed.

  "He said that I make him feel safe, and I don't understand why. All we've done is terrorize him today." Al pulled Oliver's hand away from his face, and Oliver noticed a bit of blood on his claws. He wiped the blood on his face away and folded his hands over his lap. "But he's not bothered when I'm with him. How messed up is that?"

Something About You [Olikase] [Oliver x Fukase]Where stories live. Discover now