I know you will keep me safe.

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  Fukase sat next to Oliver in Hio's car as he watched the world fly by in the window. They were able to convince their families to let Fukase sleep over, and both the boys were absolutely ecstatic. Fukase bounced up and down as he did his best to memorize the way to Oliver's house.

  The car came to a stop sign next to a forest, and Hio turned on his blinkers. After waiting a moment, he turned left onto a dirt road through the forest, one that Fukase had never seen before. He felt Oliver's gaze on the back of his head as he realized this.

  Fukase felt a bit of anxiety in the back of his mind. He wasn't sure why he felt that way, but there was something about the darkening of the trees around them that just suffocated him. Combined with the unfamiliarity, Fukase couldn't shake the fear that gripped him. He glanced over at Oliver, and Oliver smiled at him. Right, Oliver is here. He will keep you safe.

  Just when it felt like the drive was stretching on for too long, the dark trees gave way to a large sunny clearing. A mansion stood in the middle of that clearing, seemingly sucking in all the light around it and being stuck in a gloomy permanence. It wasn't until Fukase stepped out of the car when he noticed all the gravestones.

  "Oliver you live in a MANSION??" Fukase squawked. "What's with all the gravestones??"

  Oliver smiled as he stood next to Fukase. "The graveyard came with the house. It's what made it so cheap." Hio glanced over at the two.

  "I've lived here my whole life, and I've never seen this area before. I didn't even know there was a house out here." He gestured to it. "It doesn't even look like a Japanese house."

  Oliver patted his shoulder, and Fukase could see an ominous grin out of the corner of his eye. "Don't think about it too hard." He started forward, almost skipping. "Come on Fukase! I wanna show you my room."

  Fukase followed behind as quick as he could, and Hio quickly caught up with him and kept pace beside him. Fukase quickly took note of what he was wearing. A hoodie, pants, and gloves. That wouldn't be weird if it was winter.

  "How much do you know about Oliver?" Hio asked quietly, though Oliver was so far ahead of them both that he probably wouldn't hear if they were talking at a normal tone.

  Fukase clicked his tongue. "Uh, as much as he's willing to tell me."

  Hio nodded. "You seem like a good kid so I'm only gonna say it once." He shifted his gaze to look down at Fukase. "We aren't a normal family. Be prepared to accept things beyond your comprehension. If you can't, you might as well stop hanging out with Oliver now."

  Fukase shifted the bag on his back. Did this guy think he was the main character or something..? Fukase wasn't scared of Oliver, but was Flower really onto something?

  "What do you mean?"

  Hio didn't answer as they walked up to the porch. Oliver was standing on the first step and helped Fukase up to the porch.

  "He-hey Oliver, is your brother usually so cryptic?" Fukase stared at the taller blonde from behind Oliver.

  "We kind of all are. Did he say something to you?" Oliver glared at Hio. "What did you say?"

  Hio put his hands up in mock surrender. "Only what he needed to hear."

  "I'm the king of cryptic! Speak normally you bloody slag!"

  Fukase snorted, quickly hiding his smile behind his hand before either boys could see it. Oliver threw an arm around Fukase's waist, and Fukase's heart jumped up into his throat.

Something About You [Olikase] [Oliver x Fukase]Where stories live. Discover now