Chapter 5: The Destruction of Olympus

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Chapter 5:
The Destruction of Olympus

(Aphrodite's P. O. V)

That was the event that I will never ever forget. The Olympus, I considered as a home or even life for us, Olympians. The Olympus, it was a peaceful place. For many centuries and generations have passed, it was still standing and alive. It was like an old tree that never been destroyed even many storms has come.

But not until, also one of Olympians, he is one of us, that can destroy this place. A place that we have taken care for too many centuries. But why? Because of power? Because of anger? Oh Hades, why did you do this?

When he, Hades, the god of underworld, attacked our dear Olympus with his powerful and destructive beast creation. We were surprised and I, as a goddess, fear from what might be happen. All of us thought that it was really a present. We thought that it was a gift from one of our dear Olympian Hades. We are so joyful, and much appreciated of course. What could have been inside of it.

But the excitement changed into fears. We didn't know that there are destruction awaits from us. It was Hades, who wants to dethrone our father Zeus. We must've listened to Athena, the goddess of wisdom. She warns us and didn't believe in that gift. We must listen, yes, we must.

As Hades, rides behind on his beast creation. With his power and to his face, we can see all his anger. He was really eager to dethrone our father. But all of us, unite to defeat him. All of us protect the power of our beloved father, and the leader of the Olympus, Zeus.

A great battle between us and Hades happened that time. All of our effort, all of our strength, we do everything to protect the Olympus. Until that middle of the battle, with my own eyes, I saw you Hermes. With your power and wand, you dare to attack Hades behind. But he noticed you, he fights back with his power that makes you stunned. We didn't able to help you that time. Until that creature released his power, a fireball that can cause destruction into us. As it was hit you Hermes, in front of our eyes, you disappeared. We were terrified that time, and you don't know what happened next for you have been thrown here on Earth and turned into a mortal.

The whole place turned into silence that time. As an Olympian like you, we feel the pain and sadness that time. And with his pride, Hades shouted to us!

"Behold! The power of the god of the underworld! You should bow before me, and you will not be in danger unlike Hermes did!"

The god of the sky, the thunder, and the chief of Olympus was cried in anger. His greatness and power have been felt that time. Like he releases all of his power.

"What have you done Hades?!"

He screamed and with all his strength, he used his mighty thunderbolt to fire a thunder to Hades and his creation. And all of us, helped Zeus to fight him to avenge you. But we were surprised, our powers are not enough! Maybe because we are unprepared that time. The dragon dodged all of our powers. This beast saw a chance to attack Zeus. The dragon opened his mouth, released a fireball to fire father. As the fire approach towards to him, Apollo, the god of music, quickly run towards Zeus to protect him. Apollo blocked himself and he is the one who were hit by that fireball. We also saw Apollo that time disappeared in front of our eyes.

The tragedy slowly starting since Hermes and Apollo disappeared. Of course, I cried, also Poseidon, Athena, and all of the Olympians, especially Zeus our father. But we choose to fight still, we must never give up. Even if we don't have any idea why that creation was so powerful for us? Why can't we ever defeat them? But now, I realized why. Hades put all of his emotions to that creation. His anger, his pain, his eagerness to be the most above of all. That's why, now I know, that dragon was so powerful because it has many emotions to it.

The battle continues, the war between Olympians and Hades are still tense in Olympus. But in the battle, our hope is slowly disappearing, and the destructions are happening. In that fight, Athena, was disappeared and defeated next. Then Hephaestus, next is Artemis, then Ares. Until next, it was Hera, next to her was Demeter. After that, it's Dionysus, next to him, Hestia. Until I, Poseidon and Father Zeus are the only one left there. All of us were beaten. But Poseidon, with all his strength, attacked Hades and the dragon. But that was not enough. All his effort and sacrifices are not enough. Poseidon, the god of the seas, defeated and fired by the beast. He disappeared until I and Zeus are the only one left.

Hades had successfully defeated us. I saw the Olympus destroyed and burning. We have been beaten and weak. The god of underworld laughed, and he proudly said he will rise above like a new built statue rising in the hills. But us, we are fallen down like a collapsing tower. "You must be frozen, brother!" Hades said to father. He raised his hand and created a dark power and fire to Father Zeus. As he was hit, our leader has been frozen, and the thunderbolt fell in the ground

I was cried, coz I am the goddess who witness how Olympus fell until the end. I don't remember, but I think that it must be the first trauma that I ever felt. As the thunderbolt fell in the ground, Hades went down from his creation beast. He went there and get the thunderbolt. "Finally! I am the greatest of all!" He raised the thunderbolt and the whole place was shaken.

He saw me, weak and fell in the ground. He saw me starring at him, crying and afraid. "This is not yet the end!" I screamed to him. He doesn't say any words to me. But instead, he commanded the beast, to fire me. That was the beast did, I saw the fireball coming nearer to me. As I saw it had almost hit me, I closed my eyes and still hoping that we will rise again.

I can feel the heat of that fireball. I was screamed and lose in conscience. But as I woke up, I see myself also laying in some garbage. Wearing dirty and teary clothes. How unfortunate me, that was I tell in my mind. A goddess, wearing a beautiful and very neat dress, but now, I am wearing clothes like an unfortunate person. They don't recognize me, so there are people laughing at me and yes, because of my beauty, there are people who dared to rape me. I was hopeless that time, but until you came Hermes. You saved me, and your new friend. My hope was brightening like a sun that time. Yes, it is.

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