Chapter 21: Story of the Queen III

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Chapter 21:
 Story of the Queen III

(Hera's P.O.V)

That night when I was sleeping, instead of resting peacefully, the nightmare came to me. I dreamed that I am walking in our dear Olympus. As I entered the gate, all of you are here and standing because all of you are waiting for me. As I looked in the throne of my husband, I saw him there. I saw my love Zeus standing and smiling while looking at me. All of other Olympians are in the side of that aisle, smiling and happy for my return. I am walking slowly and smiled while going to that throne where my love is standing. I am smiling from overjoy while doing that. It was like a wedding where the bride approaching to her groom. As I finally arrived at the throne where my love Zeus was standing, I went in front of him, he held my hand and said...

"I am waiting for you, my queen. Finally, you're back."

Here he bowed his head and kissed my hand. But in that moment, the whole Olympus turned into a darkness, so it makes me frightened. As Zeus lift his head, I saw that it was Hades. As I looked into the surroundings, I saw all of you, all of the Olympians turned into Hades too. My heart was full of fears that time. As I looked to Hades in front of me, he laughed and shouted...

"The Olympus is mine!"

That time, I screamed in fear and finally, thankfully this is what happened; I woke up and it is just a nightmare. I panted that time and I thought that was real. But that time, I saw it is already morning, I guess it is 8 in the morning. Because of that nightmare, I closed my eyes and said...

"Thank goodness, it is just a dream."

And how I wish that time that Olympus is just fine. I hope that Hades really didn't take over the Olympus. I still believe that Zeus defeated Hades and here I am, still waiting some of Olympians to get me back in Olympus. Here, I decided to sit and rest for a while. And I must prepare to leave that place, that front of that Stacy's family house.

After many minutes, I stand up and finally decided to leave that place. But as I leave, the door of that house opened and here is Stacy, standing while holding a plane that was made from a paper and looking at me. So, I went near to her to thank for all the help that she gave to me...

"Stacy, thank you for all your help. Please stay being a kind daughter to your parents."

But Stacy saddened then she touched her head that it seems she feel a little pain in her head. That moment, I asked her...

"What's the matter, are you alright?"

But she just smiled and cheerfully answered me...

"Yes, Ma'am Hera, I am alright!"

I just smiled from Stacy after she responded me with that kind of mood. I admit, I felt sadness that time when I am just about to leave them. So, without hesitation, I told her that I have go and it is now a farewell for us. She just smiled and said goodbye to me. Here, I walked and leaved that place. But while I am just outside of the fence of their house, Stacy threw her paper plane to make it fly. But unluckily, the paper plane flew towards the street (for their house was just located beside the street) so Stacy runs outside to get that plane. Exactly, her mother named Cecille went outside the house while carrying a basket with their clothes on it, because she will hang it outside and she washed all of it.

That time, she saw Stacy running outside the street and she also saw a truck coming to her! it is coming near her! Cecille threw the basket, runs in panicked to save Stacy and screamed her name...


As I heard that scream, I looked at the street and I saw Stacy there picking her paper plane. I also heard that horn sound of that truck and I saw it is approaching Stacy and it can kill her! Thank goodness I am just in front of the fence of their house, and I have much time to save her. I quickly run towards Stacy and as I arrived in her place, I quickly pull her arm as best as I can, and I successfully pulled her to the side street. The truck didn't hit her for I successfully saved her. As the truck passed by, here I assured if Stacy is just fine and didn't injure...

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