Chapter 64: Incoming Chaos

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Chapter 64 
Incoming Chaos

They already heard about the life of Demeter in this farm. She helped them a lot, from the problem of the crops, about Charles' life, and she even met her lover there. That time, Neal told the Olympians that how they were blessed as Demeter came into their life, and of course, when they met the gods like them. And he swears to all of them, that he really loves Demeter and willing to offer his life for her. While Charles, was thankful for Demeter for being his mother. Because of her, he felt to be complete and to have a mother like her.

Then, the Olympians felt bad for Charles from what happened with his lover. They knew how kind man Charles is, and he didn't deserve to be broken like this. So, Aphrodite, the goddess of love, tell Charles...

"Charles, as a goddess of love, I, Aphrodite, give you my words, that you will get away from this pain soon. Or we can't say that she will come back to you, for love is also full of surprises and unpredictable, you know."

Charles was glad from Aphrodite's words for him. That's why he was thankful for her...

"Thank you, goddess Aphrodite."

Therefore, Demeter recognized about that two mortals accompanied by the Olympians. Because of curiosity, Demeter asked them...

"My dearest Olympians, who are these two mortals companions of yours?"

Hermes is the one who answered Demeter's question for them. He told them that they are Marielle and Williams. They are the mortals who helped them to find the other Olympians. Then, Athena explained Demeter that she made a detector that can detect where the other Olympians will be found, and that is the reason why they find her and the others. Then, Hermes told Demeter that Marielle was already his lover, while Williams was Athena's. Demeter was surprised from what Hermes and Athena told her. She never thought that aside from her, some of her fellow Olympians also in loved to the mortals they met.

Demeter is now delightful as finally the Olympians is arrived to help her, but she was dejected as well for she can't leave her lover Neal, and Charles her considered son. She called them as her new family, so she was confused what to decide right now. That's what she told to everyone of them. But Neal knows what the right thing. So, he tells Demeter...

"Demeter, my love, you must go with them and go back to Olympus. That is the right thing to do."

Demeter looked at him and speechless, she didn't know what to say right now. Then, she let Neal speak...

"Olympus is your true home, and you must go with them. All of us needs you, as the goddess of the Earth and agriculture. Don't turn back to your duty because of us, for love must not be selfish, right?"

Then, Charles joined that conversation and added...

"Dad is right, mom. We knew that you want to return in Olympus, and if that what makes you happy, and we will be happy, too."

Demeter smiled and she already decided that she must go with the Olympians. So, she replied to them...

"You're right, I'm still a goddess and I shall never leave my duty. And Persephone must be worried about me right now. But I understand that she can't help me for she's afraid to her husband or don't want to involve herself in this conflict. And I believe that this is not a farewell for us, I will just return to Olympus, and I will be still here guiding you when that happened."

Neal and Charles were happy for Demeter's decision, and they believed that what she have decided is right. So, they accepted it, that it was a farewell for them and Demeter. It was such a sad thing, but Neal and Charles were still happy for Demeter, for finally, the Olympians saved her, just like what she hoped before. But, Demeter decided, that she want to stay for a night one last time. Then, the Olympians agreed from it, they will continue their journey early in the morning tomorrow, just like what they did before. As all the plans are settled, the Olympians talked about their journey and how did they find each other to Demeter. From how Hermes met Marielle, and they found Aphrodite, then Athena, and begin the journey as she made the detector. That time, they thought that they will not encounter any dangers anymore unlike what they have experienced before.

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