Chapter 27: Gods in the Village

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Chapter 27: 
Gods in the Village

Now, they found another Olympian named Ares, the god of violence and war. But all of them are not happy that much for they hated him a lot. It's because of his obsession to violence, wars, and killings. He was hunger from conflicts and brutality, as it is he always wished that mortals must kill each other, this god always wants to involve in wars from the past and until now. That's why his father Zeus and his mother Hera, hated him. But not just them, but also all the Olympians. That's why it is not advisable to all the mortals to pray into him, for whoever dared to pray to Ares, they will drive insane and possessed them like a devil. In short, this god, named Ares, was a monster. As Hermes said to Marielle, he is worse than Hades.

As Ares saw his brothers and sisters in Olympus, especially when he saw his mother Hera, he was silenced and speechless. Captain Paul and the Minjos heard it when their supreme leader said the word: "My brothers and sisters?". Here, Captain Paul asked him...

"Supreme leader, do you know them?"

Then Ares commanded Paul...

"Don't hurt them nor put them in jail, just let them go."

Then Ares step down from his seat, approached to the Olympians and smiled to them. But these Olympians are just remained silenced and even didn't smile him back, because they know this Ares' rude attitude. Then here, Ares declared to all the Minjos who are inside of that hall...

"They are my brothers and sisters; they are all Olympians like me!"

The Minjos were surprised and glad to hear the news of their supreme leader as well. They were overjoyed for it was a hope that comes upon them, it was to free their village from the slavery of evil centaurs.

"Finally! We will be free to centaurs! The Olympians will help us!"

One of the Minjos went outside that hall and declared to all the people and citizens of that village about them. He told them that the Olympians are here to help and save them. As the citizens of Minjos heard the news, all of them are overjoyed and many people gathered in the hall of the supreme leader to see these Olympians. As one of the citizen, which is the old woman, kneeled in front of them, this was her prayer...

"Oh, dear Olympians, who are us to visit in our village? Oh, our Olympians, please save our village from the hands of centaurs!"

The Olympians like Hermes, Apollo, Aphrodite, Hera alongside with Marielle and Williams has no idea what was happening. But Athena, the goddess of wisdom, understands what the problem of the village was. So, Athena holds the hand of that old woman who prayed to them and said...

"Stand, mortal, I, Athena, the goddess of war and wisdom, alongside with Hera, our queen, Hermes, Apollo, and Aphrodite with our friend who is also a mortal like you, Marielle and Williams to save your village from the problem you are facing."

The Minjos were overjoyed that time as it was like there was a feast in that village. They believed that the blessing came upon them, they believed that they will finally meet their freedom. With the Olympians alongside with them, they will finally defeat the centaurs.

As many people gathered in that hall, here, Ares, the supreme leader of the village requested everyone to calm down and leave hall, for he will prepare a dinner for his beloved Olympians. Here, the people followed Ares' order. Then he requested his servants to prepare a dinner for him and to visitors, so the servant followed him. For it was already sunset and the dinner time will come soon.

All the Olympians are not happy, but except from Aphrodite who is her past lover. Her heart was gladdened and overjoyed as finally she saw the god that she loved before. But the conscience remained into her for she remembered how she cheated her husband Hephaestus. Even if Zeus fixed their marriage, still only now, she felt conscience from what she has done.

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