Chapter 18: Nanny Goddess

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Chapter 18:
Nanny Goddess

The stars were sparkling at that night, how peaceful around that place it is. As an additional, that moment became so romantic for this new lover. Hermes hold his lover's hand, Marielle. He lifted it and kissed it gently.

"Come..." he said

Then they walked to went inside that motorhome bus. As they went inside that room, the Olympians and Williams were here, talking and drinking some beers.

"Everyone...listen." Hermes proudly told them.

As Athena, Aphrodite, Apollo, and Williams heard Hermes, in full of confidence and proudness, he proclaims that this mortal Marielle was his new lover. He tells them how he loves this mortal.

Athena, Apollo and especially Williams, were surprised to that Hermes' announcement, of course, except Aphrodite. Like it was too quick as how he run when he's still a god. They didn't even expect that it will be happen.

"But? Why my niece?!" Williams asked him...

"I apologize Williams but, I can't help it. I really love her." he responded.

But Williams did not agree a little bit to what happened. Instead, he also wants that all of this must also be known and tell her grandma Linda. But Williams knows how to respect his niece's feelings. If they really love each other, then be it. But he is a little bit not feeling comfortable about this. Being in love in god as a mortal, that was not good for him, but he didn't tell the reason. He tells it to all of them, and he can't reject or stop their love in each other for his niece loving a god, who is he to contradict them? He apologized to Hermes and leaved that room and went outside that bus.

"I'm sorry for that and excuse me..."

Marielle leaved that room too and followed her uncle. She saw her standing outside the bus and approached near him...

"Uncle, I know it is unexpected, I'm sorry but, I love him."

Williams answered him by this:

"Marielle, I am little bit don't agree to this..."

"Is it because I am just a mortal, and he is a god? Uncle, I love him! And he accepts me for who I am!"

"I already told you Marielle, listen! I will not interfere your relationship but just think about this carefully!"

"But why uncle?!"

"You still didn't know everything Marielle. I am just protecting you."

Then again, Williams gets back inside that bus again. Still Marielle didn't have any idea why. What is the reason why her uncle didn't agree for this even if it is just a little bit? But Marielle chooses to continue their love with Hermes.

It was until the middle of night, everyone asleep, except Marielle who is still laying in the bed, for she can't fall asleep that time because of what happened. Because of this she decided to get up and get some water to drink, so that's what she did. She stood up, went outside that room, and get some water to drink.

At that time while she was drinking, there is someone saw her and tell her...

"I see, you're still awake."

As Marielle stared beside her, it was Hermes standing, he is still awake. At surprised she asked...

"Hermes, my love, why are you still awake?"

"I must be the one to ask that..."

So, they sit for a while in the mini sofa and talk about everything that happened. Marielle said that she can't sleep from thinking. Indeed, love is full of challenges, love has struggles too.

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