Chapter 31

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Author stuff: Hey, friendlies! How's everyone been? It's been... over a year since I last posted anything. Didn't mean for that to happen, it just did. And, like, smack dab in the middle of what I wrote, too.

I won't expand on much as to why I took a break, just know that depression kinda hit hard but I'm okay.

I do have positive news, though, I left my old job and managed to land an adulting desk job — several months ago now — and I like it, my sister is getting her bigger wedding that she wanted in another month, and I'm in a better mental health space.

These next few chapters are heavy. Please make sure to read the trigger warning below.

Trigger warning: There is sexual assault in this chapter and in the next few. I do not go into great detail, and I have no desire to. Sexual assault is a serious matter. As someone who has been there for friends and family who were victims, I don't take it lightly. Please let me know, at any point, if you feel it was handled terribly.

Chapter 31

In Which Nothing Particularly Interesting Happens (Again). Actually, That's A Lie. Something Does Happen. And It's Not Good.

Clint and Jeff stood on the other side of a privacy curtain they had quickly hung up so that she could examine the unconscious girl. She found quite a few bruises on her arms and shins that could easily be brushed off as bumping into things, and plenty of old scars that had long since healed. The most jarring thing was her tongue. It had been cut out.
She fixed the girl's clothes and then adjusted the blankets over her, brushing her pretty hair out of her round face.

"She's okay?" Clint said through the curtain.

"Yeah," she said, pushing it back so that they could view her now as well. "I didn't see anything that we need to worry about. Her tongue was removed, but that's been healed for quite a while. Maybe she just... fainted."

"In the Maze?" Jeff said. "Well that's a bad place to fall asleep. Don't know who in their right mind would want to wake up there."

"So, she just sort of... ended up in our Maze, unconscious," Clint said. "I'm going to need the whole story from Archie. Something isn't right."

"For now she's fine," Flossy said. "If you want to interrupt him and Nick, Jeff and I can keep an eye on her. I don't think she'll be waking up anytime soon."

"Good that." Clint reached out and squeezed her shoulder. "If you need anything, I have a couple of shanks standing guard outside. Only a handful of people can get in and out."


He nodded and was gone.

Jeff sat down on the bed next to the unconscious girl, studying her. He didn't say anything, he just looked at her blankly, blinking slowly.

"So," Jeff said, "her tongue was cut out. Any idea who could have done that?"

"The Creators?" she said, trying to smile. It came out looking more like a wince. "No idea, to be honest. She must know something, and someone wants to keep her quiet."

"Can't imagine not having a tongue. It's got to suck not to talk to anyone."

"Yeah, you are the talkative type. Can't imagine you shutting up."


They were brought dinner by one of the Baggers standing outside. Together, they ate in silence while they waited for something from the girl. She remained relatively motionless, save her soft breathing.

Clint eventually re-joined them, looking weary.

"Archie's no help," he said, collapsing on the bed they'd commandeered. He laid his head on her lap. "Justin wasn't much help either."

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