How to Play

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I watched the bowl, waiting impatiently for my father's face to materialize, after thinking I had done the incantation wrong, I was suddenly greeted by my father's grumpy face.

"Who the fuck is calling so early in the fucking morning, someone better be fucking dying, literally, someone had literally better be fucking dying" I tried to hold in a laugh at his spiel, and recovered when I realized what this conversation was going to be about.

"Father" His eyes opened wide and he gave me a beautiful smile that was once only reserved for my mother.

" My beautiful girl, are you okay around those heathens, they haven't sullied you have they" I frowned, couldn't he just get over it already. They were my mates and 2 out of the 3 had my undying love, with Cerberus not far behind. I truly felt for my little puppy, he was neglected as well, and had to succumb to worse horrors than I.

"I'm calling about Cerberus father, I know you sent him to spy on me" My father frowned and cursed under his breath.

"Mangy mutt can't do anything right" I frowned at my father and narrowed my eyes to slits. He would not talk about Cebby that way.

"I just wanted to tell you thank you, you created my third mate for me" Hades mouth opened and almost hit the floor before he quickly recovered himself.

" I will not have it Helena, he is a dangerous mutt, a God killer, he could lose it and take you from me" I shook my head as I looked over at Cerberus sleeping.

"Hes a harmless pup father, and you will stop picking on him, okay" After mumbling a few words under his breath, he nodded.

" I miss you father, I hope you're doing well, mom will be home before you know it" I had never seen the God of the Underworld cry, but his eyes softened and became misty for a moment.

" Helena, I..........I...., I want to tell you in person, so hurry up and turn 16 so you can come home" I stifled a laugh at the seriousness in his voice and nodded my head obediently.

" Mother explained to me how she ensured my birth, I need to speak to Thantos, I want to control my powers and figure out who I am" My father frowned for a moment before giving a short nod.

"Consider it done" The bowl blacked out and I looked up to see both Herma and Anteros smiling at me.

" Shes so beautiful when she takes charge isn't she Herma" She nodded and ran  around the kitchen island to hug and kiss me. I gripped her small frame close to me and deepened the kiss. My hands moved down her lithe body and I hesitated before gripping her cute tiny ass in my large hands. She moaned in my mouth and I gripped her ass hard enough to pull her up as she immediately wrapped her legs around my waist. I sat her down on the island and started kissing down her neck.

" I never got to explore you both the way I wanted" Anteros seemed to glow for a moment and it instantly became hot. I  needed my clothes off, I needed to touch, I needed to be touched. Anteros was suddenly behind me. Hands gripping my waist tightly as he kissed up and down my neck.

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