The Middle Of The Love Story

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Hades had ran out of options. His beautiful flower was dying, more and more everyday. She no longer looked vibrant, fresh, and innocent. She could be mean, she could get so angry, that Hades demons were starting to fear her more than their master. It had been almost 100 years and still she hated him. What else could he do to show her his love? While he only viewed her as a friend at first, during the years he had fallen in love with her. Was his love creating the beast she was becoming.

"Hades, where are my robes, I had them especially made for this horrible weather you have down here, and if I see blood on another pair of shoes, can you not keep the blood from the walls, and if I have to be stuck in this miserable place with your miserable self, the least you could do " Hades had, had enough.

"Stop it, please Persephone, I am sorry for the pain I have caused you, but I have more than tried to atone, I just wanted a friend, I just wanted someone who understood, I never wanted your hate, I saw my loneliness, my isolation in you" Persephone's face began to soften as she realized how horrible she had become. Hades had tears in his eyes. She had always thought he could take what she threw at him, but she was beginning to realize that was not the case.

"We are not the same Hades, I was isolated because my father wanted to be the only one to take me, you were here because you have darkness in you, you have hate, you are evil, maybe you should be who they say you are, instead of this pathetic fool who looks for everyone to feel sorry for him, if you want me to not hate you, find me a way out of this hellhole, you fucking bastard" With those words Hades heart grew cold. Is that what she wanted, a sadistic evil bastard? Hades grabbed Persephone by her throat, pulling her against him. "As you wish Princess" Hades devoured her mouth, and was surprised as she returned the kiss. It turns out his flower was not so innocent. Her words began to hit him as he realized what she had said about Zeus.

" Persephone, Zeus hurts you" Rolling her eyes, Persephone grabbed the 7 foot 3 inch Gods collar, and pulled his lips back to hers.

"Fuck me Hades" Hades felt a heat inside of him he had never felt before, he gripped her legs around his hips and deepened their kiss. "Make me feel something, please" Her voice had softened and Hades slowed his ministrations down. He looked at his beautiful flower, he would make her glow again.

After they were done, they laid beside each other. Persephone turned towards him, feeling shy all of a sudden. "He's never been like that, its always hurt" Hades turned towards her, gripping a piece of her hair and twirling it around his finger. "It's not supposed to Persephone" She nodded her head as she scooted closer to him. "Can we do it like that again?" She asked in that same shy voice. Hades could feel himself harden again for her. "As many times as you'd like"

"Hades, where are you, you miserable God, I found the cure" Hades ran out of his room, where Persephone slept.

"Earth is dying and here you are, deflowering the poor girl who caused all this mess, tsk, tsk, you bad boy" Hades rolled his eyes at the primordial goddess of potions, Circe. Hades rolled his eyes and brought her into his throne room.

"Are you sweating, oh is she insatiable, I bet she cant get enough of Hades big co........." Hades raised his hand in anger and Circe began to choke. This was new, could he have done this the whole time. Maybe Persephone was right, it was time he found out exactly what his power could do.  Hades released Circe, who just smiled.

"I do like it rough daddy" She cackled her evil laugh and threw a pouch in his face. "Make her tea, it will dispel what she has eaten, but only for a limited time, 6 full moons with her mother, but 6 full moons down here, it is the best I can do" With that she disappeared from sight and Hades felt that loneliness and isolation again. It burned inside him, he felt tears at his eyes, but promised himself he wouldn't cry. He just wanted to see his flower bloom again.

Frowning she watched him serve her the tea like everything was fine. After everything they had shared together, she gave him a part of her, she had not willingly gave anyone else. " What kind of tea is this Hades" He gave her a sad smile. " The very best this side of the Underworld, made for a Queen" She rolled her eyes as she drank the tea in one gulp. She felt her stomach rumble, and she moved to the side and threw up everything, it felt like a 100 years of food had ejected from her all at once. She felt light again, she could feel the sun on her skin, the raindrops on her nose.

"You let me drink it" He gave her a confused look, then realized his naughty princess had been eavesdropping, but she still drunk it, which confirmed what he knew.

"You miss up there, everything about it, and I just want you happy Persephone, you can go to your mother, but you must come back, please" She took her lovers face in her hands and kissed him softly, the same as he would do with her.

Going back to her mother's garden was nothing like she had thought it would be. Sure, she was delighted to see her mother, the ice and the snow slowly started to melt. Spring was here, she was here, but at the same time she wasn't. Something big, something huge was missing inside of her.

"My baby, you're back to me" Persephone gave her a smile that she didn't really mean. She remembered Hades asking why had her mother let her father take her in that way. Rape was what Zeus did, she was pretty sure he created it, but her mother was at times willing to kill Hades, but why not Zeus?

"My darling, what troubles you so, you're back with your mother, where you belong" Persephone nodded and twiddled her fingers. Should she let her know now, should she share her troubling thoughts. Regardless of her fathers doings, Demeter had always been a loving and doting mother, but she had been a part of her isolation as well. The whole six months Persephone felt excited as they passed quickly. She didn't understand why, she didn't even realize it's where her excitement stemmed from.

"Persephone, are you ok" Persephone turned towards her mother, a fire in her eyes, Demeter had never seen before in her sweet innocent child.

"He's coming for me, I missed him so mother, I think, I know I'm in love with him" Demeter frowned, what was this? Who was this girl in front of her.

"Persephone, you will get in this house and stay or so help me" Persephone gripped her mothers hands tightly, and she could cry as she saw a change take over her daughter. it felt like the leaves changing color and falling, the ground beginning to die, it was beautiful, but it was the beginning of death. It was the Fall.

"I missed him, his words, his touch, I missed him, I love him, and I know he loves me, be happy for me mother" She kissed her mother cheeks and ran to where she felt the ground begin to shake, before she jumped and let herself plunge deep into the depths of Hades. Her mother screamed in terror, but she knew he would be waiting at the bottom for her. He would always be waiting for her.

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