Chapter 2

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Next morning

Hailey woke up when the alarm clock rang. She turned it off and turned to the side only to find out that Jay was already up.

It was the first night they had spent in their new apartment in Washington.
She got up and went into the kitchen.
Jay was standing by the coffee maker, cursing softly.

"Good morning" Hailey said, hugging Jay from behind.
"Good morning babe. I think when we moved the coffee maker broke." Said Jay and turned around so he could give his wife a kiss. Hailey returned the kiss with a smile.
"There's a coffee stand in front of the Navy Yard and after work we can go and buy a new coffee maker.But we should get ready now so we're not late for the first day." Jay just nodded and the two got ready for work.

When they arrived at the Navy Yard, the first thing they did was go to the coffee stand. They needed their coffee in the morning and the night had been long since they had started unpacking some moving boxes.

Jay took a sip of his coffee as they walked to the NCIS building. "Today I finally get to meet Abby in person. How long have you known her now?"
"Abby and I have known each other since we were 2 years old so 27 years already. She knows everything about me and has been through everything with me. Whenever something happened at home again because of my father I went to Abby as soon as I could. It was hard for me when she moved to Washington over 10 years ago but we continued to have daily contact and we visited each other as often as we could. Because of that I have met her colleagues many times but the last time I worked with them for the first time and it was really great. You will immediately take this team to your heart believe me and you will love Abby."

The two walked into the building and were met by Director Vance.
He handed them their badges and service weapons.
After that they had to go through the security check which was like at the airport.
This agency was really well protected.

In Vance's office, they then signed their employment contracts and were then taken to a department where Gibbs' team was.
"We're not working in the open plan office?" asked Hailey Director Vance. "No. Now that this team has expanded, you as a team now have your own department to work in."

McGee sat at his desk while Nick leaned against Ellie's desk and talked with her.
"What do you think Jay will be like?" asked Nick Ellie.
"I've heard nothing but good things about him.Hailey showed me some pictures. He's pretty hot. I guess he works out a lot, maybe he can be your workout buddy then you won't ask me anymore to go to the gym with you in the morning." "Hey I'm hot too!" complained Nick immediately. "But maybe you're right and he can really be my new workout buddy."

The two were interrupted by Vance clearing his throat.
"Agent Torres,Agent Bishop you shouldn't be having conversations like this in your workplace besides I wanted to introduce you to the Halsteads. You already know Hailey and maybe Jay really will be your new workout buddy, Agent Torres, but you'll have to work that out in private."

Nick turned around and blushed slightly when he saw Hailey and Jay, who both had to grin after overhearing this conversation.

"Where's Gibbs?" asked Vance McGee.
"I don't know,he was here for a minute and then left. Probably needed some new coffee."
Vance just nodded and then went into his office. He left Hailey and Jay with the team so they could all get to know each other.

"He wasn't at the coffee stand outside Navy Yard McGee, Jay and I were just there." Hailey said after Vance left.

"Sometimes he gets his coffee at the diner where we had breakfast the last time you visit." Ellie answered Hailey and smiled at her.Then the two hugged each other for a moment.
"Nice to see you again Ellie."
"Same here and now we finally get to meet your husband and have you both here all the time."  Ellie then turned to Jay.
He just grinned at her "So Hailey showed you pictures of me and told you how hot I am?" Ellie blushed slightly.

Hailey playfully punched Jay in the arm. "Now don't tease Bishop about her calling you hot. This is exactly why I never tell you things like that, your ego can't take it when you know how hot you are." Hailey joked, kissing her husband's cheek.

Torres then hugged Hailey. "We missed you Halstead."
She returned the hug and had to smile. "I missed you guys a lot, too. More than I thought I would. I've never felt comfortable on a team as quickly as I did on yours.Your team is something special I told Jay that too."

McGee also hugged Hailey and replied "Our team Hailey. You two are on our team now. We're like family and we're always there for each other. Anytime you need anything, just let us know."
"Thanks Tim the same goes for you guys, let us know if there is anything."
He nodded and turned to Jay "Welcome to the family."

"Thanks, I've heard nothing but good things about you guys. Hailey and I are excited to be a part of your family. Unfortunately, things didn't go so well on our last team, so we needed a new beginning in a new team."

Jay looked to Torres. "So you need a workout buddy?" "Yeah it's terrible working out with Ellie.She's always too tired after work and when I call her at 5 a.m. to go to the gym before work she always hangs up on me right away."

"What normal person wants to go to the gym at 5 a.m. either?" asked Ellie, looking at everyone.

"I go to the gym at that time," came the answer simultaneously from Jay and Nick.
Ellie just shook her head in unbelievable and looked at Hailey.

"How do you put up with him when he always goes to the gym at 5 a.m. ?"
Hailey just laughed and had to grin.
"I have my ways of keeping him in bed and then he works out a little differently. If he does go to the gym sometimes then I just lay there and go back to sleep.Usually on the way back he brings breakfast so I put up with it pretty well."

"I would be fine with that too but Torres and I aren't a couple so he only ever calls me to meet up to work out and he's never brought me breakfast." Ellie said as she and Hailey looked over at Jay and Nick who were making plans to go train together the next morning.

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