Chapter 5

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Jay's POV

I woke up in the morning when I heard Hailey quickly run to the bathroom and throw up. I immediately ran after her into the bathroom.
I held her hair back and stroked her back reassuringly. "Are you okay?"
I asked her as she rinsed her mouth out.

"Yeah it's just this morning sickness..I'll be glad when it's over. Why aren't you at the gym with Nick already?"
"I canceled him for today because I wanted to stay with you just when you say you're not feeling well in the morning a lot of the time. I should be with you rather than be at the gym with Nick." "Thanks that's really sweet of you Babe but you don't have to skip your gym session every morning because of me now." "I'll be happy to do it for you and Peanut. I can workout with Nick in the evening."

I hugged Hailey from behind, put a hand on her stomach, and kissed her neck. "Feel like a shower together before we go to work?"
She leaned against my chest and replied "Like I could ever say no to something like that." I undressed both of us and turned the shower on.

The shower together took longer than expected so we really had to hurry afterwards not to be late.
But the rush hour traffic put a crimp in our plans.

By the time I pulled into the parking lot, we were already 40 minutes late. "Gibbs is going to kill me." I said to Hailey and she looked me in the eyes. "He's going to kill us both."
"No he's only going to kill me, you're safe because of Peanut. You can even blame it on morning sickness in a pinch but I can't."
"But you could tell him you're late because you granted me a wish in the shower."
"Hailey before I tell Gibbs about our sex in the shower, I think I'd rather tell him I have morning sickness too." Hailey laughed and we walked into the building.

When we arrived at the office, no one was there. "Do you think they're already on a crime scene?" asked Hailey.
"Must be because we got to work late and not early but let's just go see Abby, she will know where the others are."
I answered her and we walked to the lab.

In the lab the lights were off which surprised me and there didn't seem to be anyone around. I turned on the light and from the ceiling there was a lot of confetti and a sign saying 'Congratulations on Baby Halstead'.

Our whole team, even the director and Gibbs came jumping out of all the corners and immediately embraced us all.
I was totally perplexed because I wasn't expecting it and Hailey was pretty surprised too.
"How did you guys know?" I asked, getting the confetti out of my hair.

Everyone pointed at Jimmy and Abby.
Nick had to laugh "Those two couldn't keep their mouths shut and then I had the idea for a surprise party."  "Hey! It was my idea with the surprise party Torres." Came Ellie's voice and gave Nick a little smack on the back of the head. The typical Gibbs head slap.

"Okay it was Ellie's idea with the party but I got the confetti. What took you guys so long anyway? We've been waiting for over an hour."
"We got held up by morning sickness and traffic jams" Hailey quickly replied.

Everyone congratulated us, there was cake and alcohol-free champagne.
The whole team wanted to put their hand on Hailey's stomach and know if they could feel anything yet. They were all so happy for us, it was really sweet and I was so happy that we found this team and could call them our family.

Abby banged her fork against the champagne glass to get the attention. "Hailey and Jay, I am so happy that you are here with us and that we are a part of your lives and will soon get to see your child grow up. I am always ready to babysit and can't wait to hold little Abby in my arms."
Nick immediately interrupted Abby "I think you mean holding little Nicky."
Hailey had to laugh when Nick said that and said to her best friend since childhood days. "Thanks Abby, we are also glad that you all will be an important part of our baby's life. We also don't know yet if it will be a boy or a girl, it's really too early for that." 

I looked at Abby and Nick as I said.
"Hailey and I are going to pick the name for our baby and it won't be Abigail or Nicholas. Right now it's Peanut until we know the gender and have a name."

Nick knelt in front of Hailey's belly and spoke to the baby. "Little Nicky here is your favorite Uncle and I'm going to fight to make sure you get a cool name like Nicholas and that your dad doesn't call you Peanut or Timothy." "Hey! Timothy isn't a bad name and who says you'll be Peanut's favorite uncle" said McGee immediately.

Ellie knelt down next to Nick in front of Hailey's belly and started talking to my wife's stomach too. "Hey Peanut,don't listen to your Uncle Nick. He can be pretty annoying sometimes and I will always protect you from him when he bugs you and maybe you will become a little Eleanor."
Hailey and I had to laugh as the two of them knelt there like that in front of her not yet visible baby bump talking to our baby.
"This baby definitely has a lot of aunts and uncles already" Director Vance said laughing.

Jack handed me an envelope. "It wouldn't be a good surprise party if we didn't have a gift for the two of you."
I opened the envelope and inside was a booking confirmation for a weekend at a spa hotel in the mountains. "We thought a romantic weekend away for just the two of you would be right before the baby comes" Ducky said and smiled at us. "Thanks guys this is really a great gift."

Gibbs looked at us and said. "You will also get a week off in 2 weeks when Hailey is 12 weeks pregnant so you can go to Chicago and tell your families and friends."
"Thanks Gibbs,that means a lot to me that we get extra time off to tell Jay's brother Will and our friends about the pregnancy" smiled Hailey.
"Of course you will also get a weekend off in 3 months for the romantic get away weekend at the spa hotel" Director Vance also shared.

Then the surprise party was unfortunately interrupted when Gibbs got a call about a body discovery.
I gave Hailey the envelope and a kiss before Gibbs,McGee,Nick,Ellie,Jimmy and I headed to the crime scene.

Hailey stayed in the lab with Director Vance, Ducky, Abby and Jack to celebrate the pregnancy some more.

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