Sneak Into Your Heart

669 6 2

Chappie WARNING:

Fanfic, LIME, LEMON, KageyamaXHinata, Haikyuu!!, OOC

★ ★ ★ ★

Hinata frowned, a small crease forming at the top of his brows, full lips turned down at the corners and head cradled at both his hands. He was not looking at anything in particular, instead he has that faraway look in his eyes. It wasn't long before all the members were throwing him concerned and curious looks. Hinata wasn't exactly known to brood, and if he was, it only meant the slender boy was troubled.

A sudden sound made them jump and they turned to look at Hinata with his fist against his open palm and a triumphant grin on his lips. It seemed their little runt had figured out what was the solution to his problems. The team all heaved a collective sigh of relief. Even if Hinata doesn't realized it yet, he was the heart and hope of the entire team.


They all watched as Hinata strode towards Kageyama, a purposeful look on his small face. The other freshman stopped and took notice of Hinata's walk towards him with a curious arch of his brow. The ball he had on his hand was left to fall on the floor with a dull thud that seemed to echo across the room. When Hinata finally stopped infront of Kageyama, everyone seemed to hold their breath sensing something big was about to happen yet not having any clue as to what.

Hinata seemed to hesitate for a second, his pale cheeks pinking, lips pursed in uncertainty. Then finally, as if gathering his courage around him with a gulp of air, he spoke, "Kageyama! I challenge you!"


Everyone seemed to have the same thought as Kageyama's, their faces crumpled into a look of utter confusion.

Hinat's chin rose up a notch, giving him a stubborn look. "You heard me. I'm challenging you to a match!"

There was a deafening silence at Hinata's words, all unsure of what the freshman was going on about. It was far from what they were expecting he'd say. Hell, they were baffled and a little bit worried that this could escalate into something neither freshmen really wanted.

Kageyama reached up to comb his bangs back away from his eyes, irritaton evident on his face as it flopped back on his damp forehead. Hinata looked on with eerie quietness so unlike him. "What are you on about, Hinata? You know you can't win against me."

Hinata's face turned a shade of red at everyone's amazement. His small hands were curled into tight ball of fists on his sides, broadcasting his true feelings to anyone except the boy in front of him. With an angry stomp of his feet, he looked up once more at the tall setter, ire written in his face. "What did you say?"

Sugawara ran up to the freshmen, his face a picture of worry. "Hinata...I think you need to calm down for a minute." Hinata's small stature even seemed smaller when he visibly deflated. Biting his lower lip, he nodded and without a byword dashed out of the gym. The seniors could only look on with barely concealed sympathy while Kageyama had a confused frown marring his handsome face.

"What was that all about?"

Kageyama turned to look at Tsukishima with a shrug. "How the heck would I know?"

Tsukishima gave him an amused stare, adjusting his glasses with his fingers before giving him a smirk. Kageyama felt the urge to smack that smirk in. Arrogant bastard.

"Well, the shrimp afterall, is your partner. You're probably the closest to him." Tsukishima turned his back from him, but not before giving a parting shot that gave a sharp pain in his chest. "Or not. Who cares, right?"

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