Love Letter

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Chappie WARNING:

ManxManxMan, Fantasy, TWINcest


My lovely faerie,

            The redness of your lips makes me want to taste it. You do not know the extent of how much the impulse drives me to do so, but I’m afraid I must rein it in.

            The moment for us to meet is drawing near and I am filled with inexplicable fear and joy.

            Fear that you would not like me for my appearance but joy that I could finally see you from up close.

            My love is forever yours no matter the outcome of our meeting.

                        With love,

Your admirer


Levi sighed once more as he tucked another of his short love letters into his satchel. He was impressed that it always finds him no matter where he was. Like today, it was waiting for him in his table in class. Luckily he found it before anyone thought to take hold of it. It would be utterly embarrassing if one of the naughty freshmen had taken it and read it aloud in class. Though he was in his third year, there are still classes that he shared with the lower years just because the professors couldn’t be bothered with a different schedule for the same subject.

It was the fifth love letter in five weeks. He got one in every end of the week in precisely the same day. Every Friday of the week a love letter, no matter where he was, would always find him. The first time he received one, he still couldn’t believe that it was for him. Nor the second or third. But as it found him again and again, he had grudgingly accepted that it was really for him. And unfortunately had come to anticipate them; which, from past experiences told him not to.

Heaving another sigh, Levi resumed reading his book all the while absently twirling the end of one long braided blonde hair in his fingers. It was well after the afternoon that he had managed to tear himself away from his book to look at the clock and gasped when it was nearing the sixth hour. Stuffing his book into his bag, Levi rushed outside of the library and when he was well out of sight of the librarian broke into a run. He barely made it inside the dorm gates when it clanged shut and within a few more seconds he would hear the chimes of the bell indicating for the third time this week that he was late for supper. He could already taste the gloating Reeve will be throwing at him. The jerk.

Groaning when he finally reached his room, Levi leaned on the door to steady his heavy breathing. Before he could escape inside though, a familiar voice stopped him.

“I see you are ever late… fae. Lost in your fantasy books again?”

Slender hands landed on his door and Levi turned around to raise a brow at Reeve. “What do you want?”

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