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Chappie WARNING:

Twincest, boyxboy, lime, lemon and everything sour, foul language


[Damien's POV]

I was loosely twirling a lock of hair between my fingers while absently chewing on my bottom lip. I was still pondering what was the answer to my homework when mom peeked her head inside my room.

"Day, darling, dad and I will be at Julie's till midnight so don't wait for us."

"M'kay. I'll lock everything so don't forget your keys."

"Thanks, darling." When she made no move to leave, I looked up from my paper to her. "Anything else, mom?"

She gave my room a sweep of her pale blue eyes then shook her head. "Where's your brother?"

I laughed, effectively hiding the hurt that I was actually feeling. "He's probably at one of his friend's parties. You couldn't really tell with that guy."

Mom gave me a sympathetic smile knowing fully well what the situation between me and Damon was. She came inside and knelt beside me to give me a hug. I gratefully hugged her back. "It's okay, darling. He'll come around."

"Yeah, I hope so." She then gave me a peck on the cheek before leaving the room. A few minutes later I heard the front door close and the car leave our driveway.

After that I had immersed myself on my homework, finishing it as the clock struck ten in the evening. There was still no sign of Damon and I got ready for bed.

As I was laying in my bed I couldn't help but think of Damon. The direction that my relationship with my younger twin brother was going was hurting me more than anything.

It all seemed to start the moment I had come out to my family. For Damon though it was another story. I couldn't entirely blame him though when I had been dating Stacy for almost a year. He thought I was straight all along and then the scene he had come home to only made it worse. From then on, he won't talk to me.

I tried fixing our relationship but he wouldn't give me a chance. Finally, Erik the guy I had been seeing then broke it off with me. Erik was the perfect boyfriend all throughout our relationship and we had a mutual understanding, however he ended it between us after declaring that I needed some time off to fix my relationship with my twin. He promised he'll be waiting for me.

Thinking of Erik made me miss him and I curled up against my pillow hugging it close to my chest. Sighing, I closed my eyes and was already drifting to sleep when I felt the dipping of my mattress as something or someone climbed on it.

"Damon? Is that you?"

As my twin drew closer to me I smelt the unmistakable whiff of booze on him. It was faint but it was there nonetheless. I sighed. "Day, you've been drinking. Come on, let's get you cleaned up before you sleep."

I slid off the bed and took hold of his arm. Helping him to his feet was making me grunt and I noted just how tall and muscular he'd become. As children, I was always the taller of us two but when I reached highschool I stopped growing at five feet ten. Damon was a different matter altogether.

I had his arm over my shoulder and my other arm was securely wrapped around his waist while he groped at the wall for balance. We made our way to the bathroom tripping once over a pair of socks but other than that we made it fairly unscathed.

Finally, I pushed him under the shower and started helping him with undressing. When he was down to his boxers I turned to leave him. "I'll be just outside so if you need help just holler, okay?"

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