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Chappie WARNING:
SNARRY (don't like it, don't read it), drabble

I DO NOT own Harry Potter and co. As well as the fanart.

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“Harry, are you alright?”

Harry lifelessly looked up from the paper he was due to finish today and frowned at Hermione’s concerned face. “Of course, I’m alright. Why’d you ask that?”

Her eyes widened a little bit at his tone but nonetheless gave him her answer. “You look pale. And you didn’t eat breakfast earlier. What’s wrong?”

A sigh escaped Harry’s lips then, “Nothing’s wrong, Hermione. Nothing, that everyone is not experiencing themselves after the war.” He closed his books and gathered his things as he stood up. “I’ll meet you at dinner.” His voice devoid of emotion as well as his wan face.

Hermione almost grabbed Harry’s hand when Ron, who was napping earlier woke, and stopped her. “Just let him go, ‘Mione.”

Hermione looked incredulously at her boyfriend. “But—“She looked at Harry’s retreating form and asked before he could really leave, “Where are you going, Harry?”

Harry raised a tired hand, “Out.”

Hermione’s frown turned into worry and she could not help wringing her hands together.

“He’ll just get some fresh air. He needs it to clear his head, I guess.” Ron tugged her back to her chair.

“Would he be okay by himself? He looked dead on his feet.”

The redhead shrugged. “Harry can probably take care of himself.”

“Yeah…I hope so.” Hermione then turned her attention to her book, yet her concern wasn’t fully alleviated. She’ll just have to trust Harry to show up at dinner.

Meanwhile the young man in question was slowly making his way to the lake where he knew no one will disturb him. Thoughts, important as well as useless, were circling inside his head that it was too late to escape collision with someone.

Harry, because of lack of sleep and appetite, even with reputable fast reflexes, couldn’t rescue himself from falling backwards. He was anticipating the painful landing when something happened. Out of nowhere, two strong hands locked on to his arms and pulled him into a solid chest.

Now that he was safe from falling, Harry felt his rapid heartbeat calm down and his breathing to normalize. Taking deep breaths a familiar scent reached his nose. Too late, he thought as he heard the man’s voice, confirming his suspicions.

“You realize, Mister Potter, that you are delaying me to my destination with your sniffing?”

The color that was lacking earlier on his face, came with vengeance and with it Harry’s senses. Quickly, as if burned, Harry released his Potions professor and took several steps back. “I’m sorry, professor.”

The man before him gave him an assessing look—one that seemed to pierce through him. Harry clenched his fist and straightened his back. He schooled his features to a civil one and gave the older man a tight smile. “I’m sorry to keep you, sir, but thank you for catching me.”

Professor Severus Snape, a man of few words and even fewer emotions, raised a brow, “What is the meaning of this, Mister Potter?”

Confusion clouded Harry’s face, and he frowned at his professor’s question.

As if sensing Harry’s difficulty, Professor Snape gestured towards Harry’s person. “Your appearance suggests that you have not been taking care of yourself, Potter.”

To say Harry was flabbergasted was an understatement. His mouth was agape in disbelief before he closed it in a snap, “What does it matter to you? I never knew you cared.”

“Perhaps you misunderstood me, Potter. But this is not the place for such…delicate matters to be discussed. Follow me.”

Thinking of nothing better to do and still irked that Snape, of all people, would comment on his appearance, Harry followed the man closely behind.

They passed through halls and stairs that he only knew existed because of his nighttime wanderings and finally to the Room of Requirement. The room was salvaged from the feind fyre and restored to its former glory with the help of all the witches and wizards.

And Harry was having thoughts why as to the professor would bring him here. He looked at the man who finally turned to him after opening the large doors that appeared.

“Potter! I do not have the time for your dawdling. Get inside before I drag you in.”

What Harry was expecting when he finally followed inside wasn’t…this.

“Wh-what? Where… are we?”

Bright, green eyes followed the group of thestrals on flight as they swooped above them. Their heavy wings made a loud whooshing sound as they flapped them to stay afloat. Then Harry wrenched his eyes away from the creatures and down to the soft grass on his feet. Everywhere he looked, they were surrounded with soft, lush green grass with an abundance of different flowers the farther Harry’s eyes travelled.  

Harry turned to the man beside him, questions at the tip of his tongue when he took a look at Snape’s face.

The older man must be unaware that green eyes were now turned to him, with his eyes closed and a small quirk at the corner of his lips, visible. Harry knew the man would not let anyone see him this way. The heavy ebony hair that Ron would often call greasy, now looked so soft as the wind played with it. Harry knew his was no better but he just let it, too shocked to witness his professor this way.

The man looked…relaxed.

And Harry, wanting that himself for the last two weeks turned his face towards the wind and slowly closed his eyes.

* * * * *

I am a fan of Snarry slash fanfics and I've read some drabbles that got me thinking or better yet, inpsiring me to write one of my own.

This a platonic-ish snarry so I hope I didn't scare you with the pairing.

I still love Drarry but I'm broadening my horizons with Johnlock, Derek/Stiles, Spirk, and some occasional Dean/Castiel thrown in my reading list.

I'll be posting some more drabbles or other oneshots so please keep on following moi.

Watched Black Clover episode 1 and feels happy for Asta for having his own grimoire. Though I am a little bit wary that he has a demon instead.
Anyways, haven't read the manga, assuming there is one, so I guess I'll be waiting for the whole story to unravel through the anime.

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