Dark Moon

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Dedicated to @cheese_blocks... :)

Chappie WARNING:

ManxBoy, inspired title from Skip Beat (the manga and anime, I wu v, the Taiwanese drama adaptation, not so much), werewolf


It was the nth time that Rick had been letting his gaze wander toward the small man just a few pews from him. He could feel his heart thumping wildly in his chest at the realisation that this is the day his mate will be reborn.

Lub-dub, lub-dub, lub-dub...

At the stroke of midnight, under the guidance of the New Moon, his mate, his beloved Mikael will rise from a decade of slumber and inhabit the body of one Daniel Oakley.

He had waited, and waited for this day that his soulmate will return with the living and he couldn't care less with the boy whose life and body will be no longer his but Mikael's. One Daniel Oakley will not be missed in this lifetime.

The Sunday mass finally ended, and as church goers stood up and filed out of the small chapel, Rick stayed on his seat; his cerulean blue eyes automatically following the small blond boy.

For weeks Rick had been having dreams of that same mop of curly blond hair and the morning he woke up from his first one, he knew that this kid will be Mikael's new body. He just have to find him.

And he did.

Daniel Oakley, seventeen, a junior in the local highschool, is a rising star of the swim team, a responsible grandson to his ageing grandparents, a caring friend and finally a straight-A student, to the delight of his teachers; was easy to find.

The first time he laid eyes on the kid, he was taken aback. Mikael's previous vessels would always be dark-haired, tall and blue-eyed, but this time was different. Daniel isn't any of those.

But no matter what kind of vessel Mikael chose, Rick always find himself selflessly loving them, because he knew Mikael is with him through them.

As Rick followed Daniel with his eyes, he saw how people turn to him with a smile and how the young man returned it with his own. Around him, people of different ages had started vying for his attention and Rick couldn't control the pang of jealousy within him. He growled low in his throat.

"Alpha Rick, are you alright?"

Rick turned to the man beside him; black orbs looking at him with concern. He nodded at his right hand man before standing and walking out of the building.

As he looked back at the white chapel, he saw Daniel still chatting with everyone and Rick smiled. He'll give the boy time with his family before Mikael's reincarnation.


Danny couldn't sleep. He had been tossing and turning in his bed for half an hour now and still no success. He was beyond exhausted with today's chores and activities, yet the minute he closes his eyes, something pulls him awake.

Sitting up on his bed, he run his fingers through his hair. Since he couldn't sleep, he might as well do something to pass the time until he was beyond exhausted and hopefully fall asleep.

Danny left his bed for the sole window in his room and reached underneath the bench bolted to the window to pull out the large sketchpad he always kept there. He then sat with it on his lap; already flipping through it for a blank page. When he found one, he let his fingers skate across; his mind picturing a tall, dark-haired man.

When he finished, he sat back and gazed at the image of a handsome man before him. Danny let his green eyes flick through every detail; high cheekbones, thick, dark brows perfectly arched above a pair of intense eyes, and finally to the unsmiling lips.

His eyes flicked back to the man's eyes. He had drawn it a tad lighter than black, knowing for certain that the man would have light blue eyes. He had, afterall, countless dreams of this man. Danny had already memorised every contour, planes and edges of this man's face with all the dreams he had for weeks on end.

A long slender finger trailed along the cheek of his sketch as Danny pondered not for the first time why was he dreaming about him. All his life, he had lived in this peaceful small town and he hadn't seen someone looking even remotely like the man he had just drawn. And he knew for certain that he is real.

He knew everyone and their families... so, who?

As his eyes locked gazes with his drawing, he started feeling the familiar rush of warmth all over his body and he moaned as blood started pooling on his groin.

Danny didn't know for sure if he was gay; all his teenage life he hadn't found someone he would like to date. The girls were pretty, its just that, he had known them since they were children that he felt he's dating his sister.

The guys... they were just there and he didn't feel any attraction to one of them. So now, he doesn't know why he was ridiculously attracted to a man he had never even met.

Taking one last look on his sketch, finally sleep catching up to him, Danny flipped the sketchpad close and started his way to the bed. Just as he was closing his eyes, he felt another presence beside him.

His eyes flew open and a man stood at the foot of his bed. Light outside the bedroom hid the man's face from him but he knew that those pair of eyes gazing at him intensely, were blue.

Strangely, as the man walked towards his right side, Danny felt calm. When the man was finally right beside him and the light on his lava lamp throwing the man's face in stark relief, Danny was bombarded with the familiar feeling of intense attraction and with it lust.




Sorry for cutting it short like that. I'm still thinking of how to end this with the explicit scenes intact.

Any suggestions?


I may or may not take your suggestions. But any ideas are appreciated. Err, I mean "help".

Thank you for reading this far!

Part II of Dark Moon will be up.

Mwah! ♡♡♡♡♡≧﹏≦

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