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Gangster /-/-/-/-/-/Chapter One

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Chapter One

"Felix, time to get up!" A woman's voice was heard from down stairs. Felix opened his eyes and sat up, he looked around the room for a minute confused like he always is in the morning.

He finally got up and went into his bathroom to have a shower and get dressed. Once he finished his morning routine he grabbed his phone and ran downstairs.

"Morning mum!" Felix said smiling at his mother who had just placed a plate of pancakes on the table, "morning baby, eat up!" She smiled and then walked out of the kitchen into the living room.

Once Felix finished eating he washed his plate. Not long after while he was getting his bag ready he got a text.

Puppy boy
Hyung i'm outside!

Felix smiled and replied with.

Okay coming!

Felix said goodbye to his mother and ran out the house to find his best friend Seungmin. "Hey Minnie!" Felix said putting his arm over the boy, "morning hyung." He replied, Felix removed his hand and they started a conversation about what they did on the weekend.


The two finally reached school and walked inside to be greeted with four men that popped up in front of them making the two slightly jump.

"Hey you two, where are your other two little friends?" One of the oldest in the year, Changbin asked, both boys shrugged and tried to get away but Hyunjin and Changbin pushed them back.

"Answer him angel." Hyunjin said smirking at Felix, "Hyunjin l-leave him alone! H-he didn't do anything.." Seungmin said trying his best to sound confident. "Shut it dog!" He yelled and both boys eyes widened, Seungmin looked like he was about to cry and Felix just stared at the floor.

"I-I'm not sure.." Felix replied biting his lip, "come on Hyun, we have to go." Chan said holding the boys shoulder, Hyunjin rolled his eyes, "right right. Bye angel~" he sang as him and his three other friends walking away with them, one looked back at the puppy like boy and stared for a couple seconds, Seungmin noticed it and quickly turned to look at Felix.

"A-are you okay Lixie? I'm so sorry I couldn't stop them!" Seungmin said hugging his best friend, "it's fine mini, you tried, are you okay? Did Hyunjin hurt your feelings?" Felix asked the taller boy, "no I'm okay!" Seungmin said backing away from Felix and gave him a small smile, Felix nodded and they both made there way to class.


They both made it to there class room and sadly had to split up because of the seating plan.

Seungmin sat next to Jeongin, one of Hyunjin's friends but he never really spoke, he was the more chill one of the group and didn't do much bullying, sometimes he would ask Seungmin for an answer but that was really it, well if you didn't count the stairs Jeongin gave Seungmin every now and again which Seungmin new when he was doing it but was too scared to say anything.

Felix sat next to a boy named mark, he was very kind to Felix, he told him not to listen to the people who was rude to him but they didn't know each other well so there wasn't much talking.

People never made fun of Felix because of his looks, he was beautiful they just made fun of him being shy and nerdy.

Hyunjin was in almost every one of Felixs classes, and unlucky for Felix, Hyunjin always sat close to him in some way. In this lesson Hyunjin sat behind Felix.

Hyunjin came in late as usual, the teacher yelled at him but he just rolled his eyes and sat in his seat.

"Good morning everyone! Today we will be-" the teacher started the lesson and Felix listened, "hey Felix.. Can you please help me with this question?" Mark asked showing what he needed help with, "yes of course!" Felix answered and began helping him, little did he know some one was staring at the two angrily.


The two first lessons of the day finally ended and Felix, Seungmin and there two other friends, Minho and Jisung was sitting at a table in the cafeteria.

"I think Changbin was looking for one of you this morning." Felix said taking a sip of his water. "Really? Did he want to get hit again or something?" Jisung said rolling his eyes, Seungmin shrugged his shoulders, "they are all so mean.." he mumbled, "who's so mean?" Someone asked standing behind Seungmin, he snapped his head back and widened his eyes, "I- um.. no o-one.." he said to the younger who was looking at him with dark eyes, he nodded, "sure." He said and then walked away caching up to the other three boys.

"Uh.. what the fuck?" Minho asked with all the boys staring at Seungmin, "what..?" He asked looking down, "why did Jeongin randomly pop up out of nowhere?" Minho then laughed and so did the others, Seungmin let out an awkward laugh, "I don't know, haha.." he then looked over the table of the four bully's and sighed.


Felix was packing up getting ready to leave since it was the end of the day, "hey angel!" Felix heard that voice and his head shot up quickly, "wow. Didn't know you was that excited to see me," Hyunjin said winking, Felix bit his lip and was about to say something until... "don't bite your lip, you could hurt yourself." Hyunjin said surprisingly sounding like he meant it, "o-okay.." Felix replied nodding his head then trying to run out of the classroom.

"Wowow, hold up angel." Hyunjin said pulling Felix back by his bag, Felix looked up at the taller boy, "okay you can go now, just wanted to look at your pretty eyes some more." He smirked and then pushed Felix slightly out the door. Felix stumbled a little but was caught.

"Wow careful there Felix!" Mark said chuckling, "uh- t-thank you.." Felix stuttered still in Marks arms, "c-could you maybe u-uh.. let go?" Felix asked politely, Mark thought for a second but before he could say anything Felix was snatched out of his hold.

"Let's go." Hyunjin said grabbing Felix's arm and pulling him away from Mark while glaring at him, Felix yelped and followed Hyunjin confused.

They made it out of the school gate and Hyunjin still hadn't let go of Felix. "Don't talk to that boy, I don't like it." Hyunjin said with an annoyed tone in his voice, "b-but we are friends-" "I don't care, are you disobeying me?" Hyunjin asked with a look Felix couldn't explain. "N-no!" Felix squeaked and quickly bowed, "good boy, now go." Hyunjin said finally letting to of the smaller boys arm, Felix nodded then swiftly walked off with Hyunjin watching.


Thank you for reading!
Next chapter will be out soon! <3

Thank you for reading!Next chapter will be out soon! <3

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