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Can't Help Falling In Love/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Thirteen

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Can't Help Falling In Love
Chapter Thirteen

Felix was sitting at the lunch table with all of his seven friends, he didn't stutter as much anymore and became slightly more confident since every time someone would say something rude to him Hyunjin would start an argument with them.

The group was having a conversation but Felix just sat there in silence thinking about only one thing, Hyunjin...

"Angel?" Hyunjin asked and Felix looked up to him and hummed, "you okay?" He asked. Hyunjin had been very caring for Felix two, he would always ask how he was even on weekends, he would text him goodnight and good morning which made Felix fall for him more.

"I'm fine," Felix said smiling, "are you sure? You look upset." Hyunjin said crossing his arms leaning back into his chair, "Yes I promise," Felix said nodded then looking back over to the others.


Felix walked alone out of school, Seungmin was waiting for him outside the school gate and Felix had to stay for a bit after class. "Hey Minnie," Felix said hugging the younger and he hugged back, "hiya hyung!" He said and the moved back then started walking.

Not long after Seungmin kept looking back and Felix was confused so he did two, "what's wrong Minnie?" Felix whispered, "that man... I think he's following us," Seungmin whispered back.

The man was very tall but also very skinny, he was wearing all black and looked old. Felix and Seungmin speed up and so did the old man, "call someone!" Felix whisper yelled and Seungmin quickly took out his phone, he called Jeongin and the younger answered in seconds.

"Hey pup, what's up?" He asked, "Innie t-there's a man, I-I think he's following me and F-felix!" He whispered into the phone, "what are you!?" Jeongin yelled, "I-I'm walking home," he said and Jeongin hummed and hung up, "I-I think he's coming?" Seungmin said confused scratching his hand and Felix just nodded biting his lip.

"Hey!" Felix and Seungmin heard a voice they where familiar with, they looked back and stopped when they saw Hyunjin and Jeongin yelling at the old man who had been following them. The man ran of not long after and the two ran over to Hyunjin and Jeongin.

"Thank you!" Seungmin said clinging onto Jeongin, Felix smiled at Hyunjin and soo thanked him but Hyunjin just frowned. "Don't I get a hug?" He asked and Felix blushed, "w-what?" He asked, Hyunjin said nothing and came closer to Felix hugging him, "your welcome angel," he said into Felix ear and Felix's ear lit up red.


Hyunjin and Jeongin walked the two home the rest of the way, Hyunjin decided to stay with Felix since his mother wasn't home. "What you wanna do?" Felix asked sitting on his sofa, "I don't mind as long as it's with you," Hyunjin winked making Felix go red again, "o-okay... Wanna watch another movie?" Felix asked and Hyunjin nodded smiling at the younger.

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