C h a p t e r E i g h t

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Softcore/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight

It had been nearly two weeks since that situation with Mark had happened. Hyunjin only had one more lesson of English with Felix on Sunday and they where both very upset about it.

"Morning Hyung!" Seungmin said to Felix who had just walked out of his door with his school bag. "Morning Mini." He said smiling at the younger, "so.." Seungmin said kind of awkwardly since his best friend was acting quiet.

"Oh uh sorry, I'm just thinking about something.." Felix explained looking at his friend, "it's okay! So guess what," Seungmin said happily, "hm?" Felix asked, "Jeongin asked me to go out with him on Saturday!" He squealed, Felix smiled, "what happened to you not liking him?" Felix asked, "well.. he's actually really kind.." Seungmin said blushing, Felix laughed and nodded, "right right, we'll have fun." He said and Seungmin nodded.

"Isn't Sunday the last day that you and Hyunjin meet up at the café?" Seungmin asked and Felix sighed, "yeah it is." He said frowning, "ohh~ are you upset about it?" Seungmin asked smirking, "wha!? No!" Felix yelled, "it's just- uh well.. he's becoming nicer to me and uh yeah.." Felix tried to explain growing redder and redder.


Felix and Seungmin got to school and got greeted by five people, Chan, Minho, Changbin, Jisung and Jeongin.

Felix was confused, were is Hyunjin? He didn't ask and just stood there silently, Chan and Minho couldn't leave each other alone, Changbin teased Jisung and Jisung argued with him, and Jeongin and Seungmin where actually talking to each other, Felix missed Hyunjin, he felt very awkward..


Felix sat in the cafeteria with all six boys, Seungmin was talking to him about something but Felix just couldn't get something off of his mind.

"Hyung? Are you listening?" Seungmin asked, "huh? Oh yeah." He said smiling, "hyung.. I know your not, what's wrong?" Seungmin asked pouting, "nothing is wrong, don't worry Mini." Felix said and Seungmin nodded and carried on talking.


Felix finally got home and laid on his bed, he took his phone out and went to Hyunjin's number deciding if he should text him or not.

Hello, I just wanted to see if
you are okay.

Felix bit his lip and waited for an answer.

Yeah I'm fine, just a cold

Why? Are you worried about
me angel?


Yes I mean.. today wasn't
that fun you know..

Oh so.. the day would have
been fun if I was there?

No that's not what I meant!

What did you mean then angel?

I have to go, bye

I can see you blushing through
the screen angel~

Felix was red and he was also freaking out. Why does he have to tease him so much?

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter will be soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter will be soon! <3

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