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Accidentally In Love/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Twelve

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Accidentally In Love
Chapter Twelve

Felix opened his eyes and still saw darkness, he realised that he was under the cover and had his face hidden in something hard. He moved the cover and then the brightness shined through, he then looked up and saw Hyunjin sleeping peacefully.

He wanted to scream but he didn't, he couldn't wake the older boy up. He tried to sit up but Hyunjin was weighing him down, he kept trying to get out of his hold but Hyunjin started fidgeting.

The older opened his eyes and looked down at the younger, "morning angel." He said in his deep morning voice, "m-morning..." Felix mumbled, both boys just laid there and stared at each other.

Knock, Knock, Knock

Felix sighed and got up missing the warmth of the older and Hyunjin did too, he opened the door and saw his mother standing there, "oh sorry dear, did I wake you two up?" She asked, "no mum don't worry." Felix smiled and his mother nodded, "okay I just wanted to see if you two where up so I could make breakfast." She said and Felix nodded.

After she had left he shut the door and turned to see Hyunjin smirking at him, "Hyunjin?" Felix asked and Hyunjin just hummed, "n-nothing, I'm just going to the bathroom." Felix said running into the bathroom.


It was now later that day and Hyunjin had left after breakfast, Felix's mum seemed to know who he was and liked him so that was good for him.

Felix had been thinking to himself about his feelings towards Hyunjin, he always stutters and blushes whenever he is near him and there must be a reason for it and Felix new but had always seen to scared to admit it.

He had accidentally feel in love with his bully.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter will be soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter will be soon! <3

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