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Bound 2/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Two

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Bound 2
Chapter Two

It was now Wednesday and Felix hadn't been at school yesterday, he wasn't feeling well so his mother let him have a day off. Felix told his mother it was fine and he's okay but she couldn't let her baby get even more sick. It was very rare for him to have days off...

Felix walked into school with Seungmin and they both got ready to see the four bully's waiting for them but surprisingly.. they wasn't! They made there way to there locker happy that they didn't get greeted by those bully's.

But.. Felix and Seungmin wasn't that lucky. "Felix." Felix heard the voice he knows best and sighed then turned around, "y-yes?" He asked, "where was you yesterday? I couldn't find you." He said sounding slightly worried, "why do you care Hwang?" Another well know voice was heard, Minho's.

"Ugh.. you always have to butt in don't you." Hyunjin said looking at Minho annoyed, "I was bored.. bullying is more fun when I do it to you, angel." Hyunjin said smirking at the three younger and one older boy.

Felix blushed slightly, he didn't know what to say but he heard someone yelling and looked up, "oh shut it! our so annoying! You know that?" Felix saw one of his best friends, Jisung yelling at Hyunjin's friend, Changbin. "I know you love it cutie," he said winking and a small blush popped up on Jisung face, "ugh come on guys, I can't stand being near these idiots!" Jisung said to Felix, Minho and Seungmin. We all nodded and followed, and while walking away Minho flipped them of winking.


"Finally It's Friday!" Felix said jumping into his bed after getting home from a long day at school, he stood up since his day wasn't over yet, his father won't be home until tomorrow and his mother is working overtime, she probably won't be home until twelve am or something like that.

Felix went in his bathroom and got changed into different clothes.

Seungmin lived only a few houses down from Felix so he wanted to do something with his bestie. Felix texted him asking if he wanted to go to there favourite coffee shop and Seungmin obviously agreed.

A couple minutes later there was a knock on Felix's door, he opened it and saw his puppy friend smiling, "hey Minnie!" Felix smiled, "hello!" He said back and they made there way to the coffee shot that was around ten minutes away.


They got their coffee and sat down and started a conversation.


The door of the coffee shop opened and they both looked over and saw two people they really didn't want to see, "do you think they saw us?" Seungmin asked, they were sitting in a corner so they hoped not, "I don't think-" "hey angel, hey puppy." Hyunjin said smiling at the two, "hi.." Felix said looking at Seungmin who was looking out of the big window and the looked out there too.

"What are you looking away for? Me and Innie will get are drinks then be back." Hyunjin explained and the two walked away.

"Why do I run into him every where I go?" Felix whined stomping his feet quietly, "it like you two are bound to." Seungmin said and Felix turned a bright red, "wow, what's that supposed to mean!?" He asked shaking his head frantically, Seungmin laughed, "nothing! It was a joke, I'm sorry." He said looking like a puppy that did something wrong, "haha, it's fine Minnie," Felix said patting the boys head.

Suddenly as he was taking his arm away someone grabbed it, Felix's and Seungmin's head shot up and there was met with a smirking face and a bored looking face.

Felix sighed, his heart beating fast. Hyunjin let go and laughed, "did I scare you angel?" He asked sitting next to the boy, Felix shook his head, "you know, I don't know why you two never talk." Hyunjin said sipping his coffee, Seunglix looked at each other then back at Hyunjin, Jeongin let out a chuckle, "is that a joke hyun?" He said smirking, "no I seriously don't get it." He said and looked at Felix and saw he was uncomfortable, "I'm joking, sorry angel but you should really try to fight back, it would make you ten times hotter.. if that's even possible." He winked.

Felix was red. Very red.

"So Seungmin, why do you look like a dog? Are you some kind of weird breed?" Hyunjin asked, Seungmin looked up, "uh.. no-no I'm not.." he said fiddling with his fingers, scratching them making them red.

Jeongin saw this and grabbed  one of his hands making him stop, he held it and wouldn't let go. "Don't worry, he's just playing, he's an idiot." Jeongin said and Felix looked away trying not to let out a small giggle. Seungmin looked up from his lap, a blushing mess. He nodded and looked at Felix giving him a glare.

"Awe, Innies got a crush!" Hyunjin said smirking and Jeongin just frowned, "I'll get Chan on you." He said angrily, "Chan loves me too much, Innie." Hyunjin said and Jeongin just rolled his eyes, "sure." He said glancing at Seungmin again.

Hyunjin suddenly grabbed Felix's hand and Felix looked frightened, "what? Them two holding hands make me jealous, you shy angel?" Hyunjin asked caressing his hand, "n-no.. you just scared me.." he said looking away from the taller boy, Hyunjin chuckled, and nodded, "sure sure.." he said and Seungmin was now smirking at Felix getting him back, Felix stuck his tongue out at the younger and Seungmin did it back making the two other men laugh.

Seungmin and Felix looked up at both of them and pouted not knowing what to do and hoping them would leave so they could both breathe properly.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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