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Numb To The Feeling /-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Ten

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Numb To The Feeling
Chapter Ten

It was now the next day and Felix was walking around school with Seungmin, "angel..." a voice was heard behind the two, they both turned around and saw Hyunjin and Jeongin, "hello Hyunjin." Felix smiled surprisingly not stuttering.

"You two wanna go out tonight? With the other four obviously." Hyunjin asked the two, "where?" Seungmin asked, "club" both Hyunjin and Jeongin said, Felix and Seungmin looked at each other then back at Hyunjin and Jeongin.

"Uh- w-well we uh have never actually been to one.." Seungmin mumbled scratching his hands, "it's fine, we'll be with you." Jeongin said sweetly to Seungmin, "uh.. Felix do you?" Seungmin asked, "if you go I will." Felix answered, "okay then, we'll go!" Seungmin said smiling and both taller boys smiled too, "good, see you tonight angel, and puppy." Hyunjin said and both boys left .


It was now later that night and Felix and Seungmin where on the phone trying to figure out what to wear. After they finally decided Felix Heard a knock at the door, he said bye to Seungmin and ran down the stairs to open the door.

"Hey angel" a tall handsome man said standing in front of Felix, "h-hello.." Felix stuttered blushing slightly, "you look cute angel," he said as he winked, "t-thanks.. you look hot- I mean-!" Felix got cut off with laughter, "you think I'm hot?" Hyunjin asked and Felix just looked away, "aren't we supposed to go?" He mumbled and Hyunjin chuckled, "come on then," Hyunjin said taking Felix's hand and dragging his to his car.


Not long after both Felix and Hyunjin arrived at the club. They walked inside and saw a table with all there friends on.

Felix sat next to Seungmin and Hyunjin sat next to Felix, "did anyone get drinks yet?" Hyunjin asked, "yeah, we ordered you two something." Changbin said and Hyunjin just nodded.

Felix was scared, he looked around at all the people that where already very drunk. Some people where dancing, some arguing and even kissing.

The drinks arrived around two minutes after, Felix took a sip of his drink and made a disgusted face, he heard laughter and he looked to his right to see Hyunjin smiling at him, he blushed but smiled back.


It had been an hour and nearly every one was drunk but Seungmin and Felix.

Jisung and Changbin was dancing and Minho and Chan where making out. Hyunjin and Jeongin danced with a load of random girls upsetting Seungmin and Felix.

"Wanna try another drink?" Felix asked and Seungmin nodded trying not to look at Jeongin and a brown haired girl. The two went up to the bar and sat down.

Half an hour later the two was already pretty drunk, they eventually found something they liked and just kept drinking it.

They stood up and decided that they should dance too, they both ended up dancing with two random men. Little did they know two other men was staring at them with dark eyes sitting across the room.

"So cutie, what's your name?" The man asked Felix, "Felix, you?" He asked and the man smirked, "Mark." The man said. "You look familia Mark" Felix said, "you know me baby," Mark said still smirking, "wanna go somewhere else?" Mark asked and Felix just nodded...


Seungmin danced with the man for a while and none of them talked they just let out small laughter every now and again.

Not long after Seungmin got bored so he decided to sit over with Hyunjin and Jeongin. When he got over there he stared at the two and stuck his tongue out at Hyunjin who lifted one eyebrow up confused, "what?" He asked, "you make me sad." He said walking over to Jeongin and sat on his lap clinging onto him, Hyunjin laughed rolling his eyes and Jeongin also laughed.

But as soon as Hyunjin looked back over to the dance floor he couldn't fine Felix anywhere, he stood up and tried to look again but he couldn't see anyone, "I'll be back in a minute." He said to Jeongin who just nodded holding on to Seungmin.

Hyunjin walked through the crowd of people and saw a blonde haired boy get dragged into a room in the back, he couldn't tell if it was Felix but he went to check to make sure, and what he saw angered him a lot...

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter will be soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter will be soon! <3

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