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Candy/-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

Felix got home from that experience at the coffee shop after saying his goodbyes to Seungmin who had acted very shy ever since the two bully's sat at there table.

Felix new Seungmin had a thing for Jeongin, he saw it in his eyes every time he's around. Seungmin was lucky though, Jeongin was probably the nicest out of all four of them. Well, Chan was nice, and Jeongin never really spoke and when Changbin and Hyunjin was bullying someone he just stood there, Chan would always make up something for the two to stop.

Felix new all four of them since they were young and so did Minho, Jisung and Seungmin. Chan has always been nice, he always helped people in need, Felix doesn't know how he ended up in a group of bully's.

Jeongin has always been very quiet but also very popular, you couldn't get much out of him even when he was younger, he's cold but smart, he doesn't have time for bullying but he really doesn't care if his friends do it.

Changbin has changed a lot, when he first went to the school he was very awkward, of course until he meet Hyunjin, Changbin got more confident every year and he doesn't care about many people.

Hyunjin. Felix always remembers the time when he was around twelve years old and he was getting bullied by this guy named jake, Hyunjin ran over to him and punched him in the face making him fall to the ground, all the boy did was make fun of his freckles but he was very thankful and started having this weird feeling every time Hyunjin was close, and he still does..

But he also hates Hyunjin, he picks on him all the time. Yes he doesn't hurt him but that doesn't matter, words hurt people too.

Hyunjin is a flirty, cold idiot. He flirts with people for fun, making them believe he likes them and when they ask him out he just brakes there heart, if Hyunjin ever asks someone out Felix would be in shock, everyone would. He's also very cold, well normally to men and teachers, except Felix, he's the only boy Hyunjin picks on.

Enough about Hyunjin.

Seungmin has been Felix's best friend since they were baby's, there mothers are best friends and they always see each other. Seungmin is quite a shy boy, although if someone hurts someone he loves feelings then he will say something but not much just telling them to stop what they are saying. Felix finds Seungmin very cute, everyone does, they all call him a puppy because of how much he looks like one, he also always does everything people say like puppy's do.

Minho is very smart, Felix and him became friends when Hyunjin was being mean to him when they was like seven years old, Minho has known Hyunjin for the longest time since there mothers know each other, but they never liked each other and always bickered and they still do.

Jisung is a sweet boy with a crazy temper, if someone upsets his friends then he goes crazy and will actually attack that person, he's nice if you are, and he's not scared to speak his mind. Jisung and Felix became friends when Minho, Felix and Seungmin became friends, Minho and Jisung are very close friends they are always seen with each other and barely argue. (It's not a ship guys sorry!)

Felix is just like candy, he's sweet at all times and will help anyone even if he doesn't know them that well, he can make friends easily but his problem is that he can't defend himself, especially when it comes to Hyunjin bullying him.


Felix stood from his bed and went into his bathroom to get his pyjamas on. After that he decided to go downstairs and watch a kdrama like he did every weekend.

He got a notification on his phone and widened his eyes..

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter out soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter out soon! <3

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