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Shut Up And Listen /-/-/-/-/-/Chapter Eleven

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Shut Up And Listen
Chapter Eleven

Hyunjin looked through the door in the room and saw that Mark was sat on top of a crying Felix trying to take his top off.

Hyunjin ran into the room and grabbed Mark by his top, he threw him to the floor harshly. Hyunjin looked back and forth between Mark and Felix and decided that he couldn't waist time on Mark and ran to Felix who was sitting on the floor crying.

He hugged Felix, "what was you thinking!?" Hyunjin yelled letting his anger get the best of him, "g-get away from me!" Felix yelled trying to get out of Hyunjin's strong hold, "I h-hate you! Leave me please!" Felix cried still trying to push Hyunjin away.

"Felix I-" hyunjin was cut of by Felix, "g-go back to t-that girl!" He said with tears not stopping, "what are you-" "go away!" Felix screamed and Hyunjin had enough.

He stood up and grabbed Felix's hand, "get up." He said coldly and Felix shook his head, "no no no! Go away I'm-"

"Shut up and listen to me!" Hyunjin yelled, Felix squeaked and quickly stood up, Hyunjin said nothing and just pulled Felix with him.

"Hyung where are you-" "I'll talk to you later." Hyunjin said to Jeongin and he just nodded looking at the sleeping boy deciding he should take him home.

Hyunjin made the crying boy sit in his car, they drove off and the car ride was silent.


When they got to Felix's house Felix had fallen asleep, Hyunjin sighed and unbuckled Felix's seatbelt and then lifted him up. He knocked on the door and was greeted by a woman, "oh hello." She smiled, "uh hi- uh I'm Hyunjin, Felix's friend," he explained and the woman gasped, "oh Hyunjin! How are you? How's your mother?" She asked, "uhm.. I'm fine, she's also fine." He said, "good good, please come in, Felix's room is upstairs second room on the right." The woman said and Hyunjin nodded.

He took Felix to his room and laid him down, he looked at Felix's outfit and sighed seeing how uncomfortable the boy probably felt, "Felix.." Hyunjin said shaking the boy softly, "hmm" the boy mumbled, "go get changed and then go to bed." He said smiling to the boy.

Felix stood from the bed and nodded, "s-stay there." He said tiredly, Hyunjin nodded and smiled.

A couple minutes later Felix walked in with shorts and a black jumper on, he then sat on his bed and grabbed Hyunjin's arm.

"Hyungie please stay with mee!" Felix whined and Hyunjin chuckled,  "I can't." Hyunjin said, "please! I wanna hug you, sleep in your trousers." Felix said looking at the baggy pants on his legs, "fine, get into bed." Hyunjin said as he took his top off, Felix stared at his chest in shock, "what? You like it?" He asked touching his abs, Felix nodded and smiled.

Hyunjin got into the bed next to Felix and put his arm over Felix's stomach and Felix hid his face in Hyunjin's abs and then touched them making Hyunjin laugh, "do they feel good angel?" He asked and Felix nodded and Hyunjin smiled and stroked his hair softly until he feel asleep.

Thank you for reading!
Next chapter will be soon! <3

/-/-/-/-/-/Thank you for reading!Next chapter will be soon! <3

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