Chapter 2

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Scott found his new books to be quite interesting. At the age of thirteen, he found great pleasure in magic and stories of medieval times. Mythology fascinated him and he had a weird obsession with sorcery and gems said to grant one great, unforetold power. He kept his hobbies hidden from the world, though. Outside his and Xornoth's little household, the world despised magic.

"The world is cruel," Xornoth had once said, "It will hurt you every opportunity it gets." Young Scott whimpered, scared, "I get hurt?" he asked fearfully. Xornoth put a hand on his shoulder, "No," he said firmly, "As long as I'm here, no one will hurt you." Scott hugged his brother tight, finding warmth and comfort in the embrace.

Books were strewn on the bed along with a notebook, scissors, glue and construction paper. In this notebook, he'd jot down ideas and bits from the book which he found interesting. The scissors, glue and paper were for a project he had to submit the next day. He found himself mumbling, "I hate school," before realizing how true that statement was.

He put aside the finished work, marveling at how good it looked. Scott cleaned up the trash and was putting the books away when Xornoth knocked on the door, "Dinner's here!" Scott picked up the pace as he yelled, "I'm coming!" back. He shoved all the books in the cupboard where that kind of stuff was kept. He closed the door and went off to tackle his tacos.


It was six in the morning. Scott really didn't want to wake up so early but sadly, school existed. He sighed, putting all of his books in his bag, double-checking to make sure everything was there. The last time he thought something was there when it wasn't, he'd gotten yelled at and embarrassed for quite some time. Scott had found the French textbook on his bed.

The fact that the French book did nothing wrong didn't stop him from flipping the book off.

Scott grabbed his watch and hastily put it on himself. The bracelets lying on his desk were eyed and quickly snatched up as well. Tying on the last bracelet, he picked up his bag, heaved it over his shoulder and was about to leave when he spotted a book on his bed. Legends Of Long Ago. Adding that to his bag, Scott left the room to join his brother in the living room. If you could call it that. Small, petty place, he thought before wondering where the hell the thought had come from.

"C'mon, dumbass," teased Xornoth. Scott stuck his tongue out like a young child but kept his mouth shut. "Alright, alright," said Xornoth, "We're gonna be late," Scott rolled his eyes but followed Xornoth nonetheless. They walked to the nearest bus stop which was a fifteen minute walk away. Scott plugged in his headphones and put his favorite playlist on, drowning out Xornoth's voice.

They reached their destination just on time. The bus was visible as it advanced towards them. Scott got on the bus and sat down, feeling lucky to have found a seat. Xornoth occupied the seat next to him, causing this newfound feeling to waver slightly. Scott looked outside the window as cars, trees, buildings and people alike zipped by. He always liked looking out of the window of a vehicle. It had some magic to it which only a lonely thirteen year old could explain.

He imagined himself in an empire, sitting upon a throne, servants at his command. He'd be a just ruler, caring towards all but at the same time, utilize his power. He imagined himself with ice-cold magic, decorating his beautiful empire with the statues of his creation. He imagined his little deer, standing tall and bathed in sunlight. Scott smiled as these blissful fantasies crossed his mind.

As all of this rushed through his head, power seemed to surge through his blood vessels, crackling through his fingertips and spinning in his head. Scott ignored it. It happened every time he slipped into these fantasies, why bother? The bus finally stopped and he got off, walking towards the school. Xornoth was standing at the entrance beckoning him to come in. How the hell did he get over there? He was just beside me.

Scott shook it off; his brother often did stuff like this. Disappearing and reappearing was one of his favorite things to do.

Scott stepped inside and was quickly overwhelmed by the bustling atmosphere. He sidled off to one corner. A few kids seemed to be of his age here. A huge group of them were standing in the corner, talking and laughing. He felt the weird urge to join them although his rational self wondered why. Instead of socializing, he eyed them closely.

A kid with blond hair and brown eyes stood to the far left. He wore a blue, white and red hoodie with jeggings. A girl with dark brown hair and similar eyes stood next to him. She wore flowers in her hair and a pink dress. Next to her, a girl with yellow eyes and dark hair stood, a small white crown on her head. Deep in conversation, a light pink haired girl stood, looking a little older than the rest. Her blue eyes were striking. Holding her hand was a brown haired male with a bit of his hair dyed green. A copper haired kid stood in the middle, wisps of a beard forming on his chin. Another brown-haired kid with a scar across his eye was laughing. A brown haired guy with a thoughtful expression listened in. Joey lightly punched a girl with blond and brown hair and blue eyes who had a playful expression.

Scott was intrigued by the group and was in the process of wondering whether he should join in when the copper haired kid saw him. They both shared eye contact for a second when the guy grinned and beckoned him to join. Scott entered the group cautiously, his eyes scanning the group thoroughly although he'd already done so.

"Hi!" said the brown-eyed blomd whom he had noticed first. "Name's Jimmy!" He gave a huge grin which Scott couldn't help but return. "I'm Scott," he said, feeling dumb for sounding so flat. After studying Jimmy's face for a bit longer, he couldn't help but feel as though he'd seen him. As though this kid was familiar. A sharp pain pierced his head.

He was standing in a room with Jimmy. Both of them seemed older than they were. A conversation he couldn't understand was filling the room. It all felt fuzzy. He walked into another room while Jimmy cowered at the entrance. A cake sat in the room. Scott cautiously went and picked up the cake. He yelled something indiscernible and Jimmy ran away from the entrance. He felt himself laughing, cake in hand.

Then it was gone.

He was back in the hallways of his school. The group was talking as though nothing strange had occurred. Scott felt different now. Looking at them, names arose in his head. Jimmy, Katherine, Shubble, Lizzie, Joel, Fwhip, Sausage, Pix, Pearl. The pain wasn't gone. In fact, it increased as this happened. He winced and the one called Lizzie looked at him in concern. "I'm fine," She looked sceptical. Jimmy put his arm over Scott's shoulder. "We're gonna have a lot of fun, Scott. I promise,"

I know we will, Petal.


Word Count: 1230

Whee! A four digit number! Yay! Ok yeah, bye Imma head out-

And no, you may not ask why Gem isn't there. Patience.

<RubyBlueWrites left the game>

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