Chapter 20

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This wasn't supposed to happen. None of this was supposed to happen. From the beginning, this rogue... something was causing issues.

It sent everyone's homeland up in flames. It transported gods to a land that was too unstable to hold them. It took up residence in one of the gods. It forced the Champions' parents to send them away.

This was all wrong.

Sure, if you asked the people affected, they would say they didn't know, or didn't mind. Some may even say they were happy.

No. This was a universe thrown so far off, it couldn't see the path it was originally supposed to walk on.

All because of that stupid rogue!

The wizard knew what was happening. She was absolutely aware. She said she couldn't do it. She said she couldn't prepare the elven brothers. That she wasn't supposed to.


If bets were to be placed, they should be placed on the boy. The elf with blue hair and ice. He kept getting messages from Aeor, a hint to what was supposed to happen.

But even a god can do so much. Aeor was not supposed to meddle in the doings of mortals, even his Champion.

Did it hurt, that he had to watch innocents die, year after year? Yes, yes it did. The feud had lasted so long and yet, he couldn't fight his brother. 

That's what gods are supposed to do. Make others fight for them. Exor was a force that plagued the world and no matter how much it hurt, how many were caught in the crossfire, it had to happen. It always did.

If this continued, there may never be another generation of Champions to fight the war for the stag gods. The rogue has to be stopped.


"No! ... stupid ... too much pain ..."

" be done"

"...crazy?! ... look at him!"

"...too protective ... Scott ... only one..."

The words were foggy, at best. Scott couldn't clearly make out what they were saying. He heard two voices, and he was fairly sure one of them was Xornoth. He knew his brother's voice well. Everything hurt.

At first, Scott thought this was the afterlife. Had he died in the cold, unforgiving room? Had his own - assuming it was his own in the first place - powers killed him? Could they kill him?

Then he realised Xornoth was here. Unless he froze literally everything, Xornoth was alive, which fortunately meant that so was he.

Scott tried to open his eyes, but it felt like there were weights on them, keeping him from seeing his brother. In his frustration, he groaned softly, trying to wake up. 

"Shh! He's waking up!"

This voice was new. It wasn't one of the arguing voices, that was for sure. It was a voice filled with affection and hope. It warmed Scott; he hadn't realised how cold he was. It could only be one person.

"Ji-mmy?" he mumbled, barely able to get the words out. The haze in his head cleared a little, and Scott opened his eyes. 

The light blinded him at first. It was too much, too soon. It flooded every part of his vision, demanding to be addressed. Scott blinked, and the light faded, giving way to colours and coherent shapes.

"I'm right here."

Scott looked around. He wasn't in his own room. The walls weren't in the right place and the shelves held the wrong things.

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